Friday, December 30, 2011

Minutes of the Annual Sanctuary Club Meeting

The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Spain Park High School, Rm. 127

The Board of Directors of The Sanctuary Club, Inc. convened its annual members’ meeting at 7 p.m. for the purpose of electing a slate of Directors who will take office on January 1, 2012.

Directors are elected by the membership for two-year terms. All of the Directors will elect their own Officers in January for a one-year term.

Meeting Minutes:

A quorum of the membership was declared present, members welcomed, and Buzz Williams opened with prayer.

Buzz Williams gave the President’s Annual Report [see attached notes.]

A motion was made by Tom Clark to approve those elected by the membership, Marcus Lawrence, Bill Panter, Henry Hager, and Robert Hull. Mike Taylor seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Ten-Dollar gift certificates were used as door prizes. The prizes were awarded to Robin Hawk, Kay & Steve Hall, Al Black, Barry & Bari Roseman, Cele & Gus Miller, Jeff Marks, Bob Dyck, Mike & Betty Hull, Tom DeShazo, and Michelle Smith. Club Directors and their families were not eligible to win.

A general discussion followed. Clarification was made on the budget for new members. Automobile safety, as it pertains to the traffic lanes directly in front of the Sanctuary, is a concern of many residents. Dan Murchison discussed the situation with the city of Hoover about proposed plans to widen traffic lanes on Caldwell Mill Road. Decisions and details are not yet clear what will be done. Mike Taylor reported the lanes generally meet county-sight standards based on discussions with a county representative.

Tom DeShazo, member of the audit committee, gave a summary of the importance of the new C.S.O.A. Board responsibilities. Tom reminded all of those present, that all resident homeowners would elect the new C.S.O.A. Board of Directors after transfer of C.S.O.A. by the developer to the residents.

Buzz Williams commended all members of the Club Board of Directors, on behalf of the Sanctuary residents, for their unselfish dedication and hard work during 2011.

A motion was made by Mike Taylor to adjourn and seconded by Tom Clark.

The motion passed.

The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

President’s Annual Report – November 15, 2011

Where we have been:

About 3 years ago, when only half the Sanctuary subdivision was built, or in the process of being built, two visionaries took the initiative to lay the groundwork for the Club. They would not want me to say it, but…

Dan Murchison, and Tom DeShazo, men with considerable experience in managing a volunteer homeowners association, met to ensure that we residents would have the benefit of positive cooperation through the Club and those things that accrue from it. Thereafter, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were adopted and filed.

The Club was formed to promote communication, friendship, social opportunities for the benefit and enjoyment of the residents, to also promote the beautification and preservation of the appearance, value and amenities of the Sanctuary community, to promote the security of the residents, to promote volunteer home maintenance assistance, to assist homeowners in the understanding of, and education and voluntary compliance with the Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.

Subsequently, enthusiastic men and women, our good neighbors, came along side of these two men to begin the work of building a quality community. They did their work, as only unselfish citizens could do, and provided sound examples for the rest of us.

Where we are:

We have an active neighborhood watch. We have an Internet BlogSpot for publicity, we have a neighborhood telephone directory that is updated and published annually. Our social committee had a terrific BBQ luncheon last May fifteenth that was attended by an estimated 90 plus residents. That was about 20 more than the previous year.

Our service committee has helped some residents with minor carpenter and plumbing repairs, changing out light bulbs, and provided help on cutting lawns. This list is certainly not all-inclusive of their work. However, it does go to the heart of good neighbors helping neighbors.

Two short years ago, we had only 54 member households. The diligent work of our Board of Directors bumped our membership to 98, and we continue to grow.

The Board of Directors has kept membership fees at $10.00 to cover basic costs, including the neighborhood telephone directory, annual BBQ, door prizes, and incidental administrative costs. The balance in the Club Treasury to date is $716.54.

Where we are going:

There are 4 homes presently under construction, with only one lot remaining to be built upon.

Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association [“C.S.O.A”] plans to build out and transfer control to the Sanctuary residents as soon as they sell the last home. That may take six months, or even a year. Therefore, the time frame for the transfer is unknown.

We have had seven residents express an interest in serving on the new C.S.O.A. Board. These names were shared with McKay Management, Inc., and C.S.O.A.

The C.S.O.A. By-Laws make provision for residents to submit prospective Board member names by way of a petition. That petition was submitted about three weeks ago. As information, we had a thank-you letter from McKay Management Inc. in response to the petition. There will be plenty of work for the new Board. The C.S.O.A. Board will be made up of 3 to 5 Directors. There will also be a learning curve that will test the resourcefulness of the new Board.

A training class for prospective new C.S.O.A. Board members was conducted in October in preparation for the transfer of responsibility to the residents. The training material contained ten modules. The development of the training was accomplished and delivered by one of our own residents, Tom DeShazo.

The industry standard for managing a volunteer homeowners association is contained in the Community Association Institute [“C.A.I.”] training material. The ten modules were covered in about four hours. Eight residents were trained.

What will happen to the Sanctuary Club after C.S.O.A. is transferred from the developer to the residents? There are important functions preformed by the Club today that are expected to come under the umbrella of the C.S.O.A. in the future, e.g., publishing of an annual telephone directory, maintaining the neighborhood watch data base, continuing the education of residents relative to voluntary compliance of covenants and restrictions, maintenance of the Internet BlogSpot, and publishing a Quarterly News Letter.

Based on C.A.I. guidelines, we have asked the developer and the management company to provide us with all pertinent documents at the time of transfer of the responsibility of C.S.O.A. from the developer to the residents.

MOW / Nov. 15, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Neighborhood Watch

This is a report from our neighbors in the Mill Springs Estates Homeowners Association

It has been reported that there was another attempted break-in in Altadena Woods on Monday. A White SUV with Arizona license plates. In the past there have been SUV's that backed down a drive way and then someone knocks on the door to see if someone is home. If no one is home they break-in through the garage door. If someone is home, they make some excuse about cleaning gutters, etc.

Also, we have received reports that there were two break-ins in Caldwell Crossings in the past month or so. No further details on those two have been received.

So far, believe we have been lucky here in Mill Springs Estates and we would certainly like to keep it that way. We would like to suggest some ideas on how we can help protect our neighborhood:
  • if you are going to be out of town, possibly you should alert some of your neighbors of the dates, etc., that you will be gone.
  • if you are having work done on your house, etc., you might also want to alert your neighbors of the work being done and who is doing it, especially if you will not be at home during the day.
  • if you see suspicious cars in the neighborhood, we would suggest you call the police department.if there are people who are going door to door and come to your house, you should ask to see their permits from the city of Hoover. If they have permits from the city, you should tell them that there is no soliciting signs at our entrance. If they do not have permits from the city, you should tell them there is no soliciting in our neighborhood and then immediately call the Hoover police.
  • many of our homes have alarm systems, so that if you hear an alarm go off please call either the homeowner whose alarm has gone off or the Hoover Police can have the newspaper stopped during your absence (can be done on line at the Birmingham News website). A pile of newspapers on your driveway is a sure sign that you are gone.please also have your mail stopped or ask someone to take in out of the mailbox during your absences. The mail can be stopped by using, please ask your neighbors to remove any packages delivered to your door during your absence.
  • even if your neighbor did not alert you to being out of town or having work done, and you know they are not home, if you see something suspicious, please call the police should certainly not confront the person or persons who you think are suspicious, but instead let our Hoover Police handle it.
Everyone should have a listing of our residents including their phone numbers and email addresses. Let's all try to watch out for our neighbors during this Christmas Season.

If you see something suspicious, please do NOT call or email a board member or block captain, but instead call the Hoover Police Department. You can call the Hoover Police using the 911 number or 444-7700. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mill Springs EstatesHomeowners Association

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hello, Good Neighbors!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!

New Sanctuary Telephone Directores for 2012 are planned for early spring.

Just in case you missed it, this is a reminder concerning Sanctuary Club membership.

We invite you to renew your membership for 2012. New residents are also encouraged to join! We believe membership and participation in The Sanctuary Club is a great way to make the Sanctuary an excellent place to live. We ask you to remit $10.00 per household, by January 10th, for your membership in The Sanctuary Club, Inc. Please pay by check only. Make checks out to The Sanctuary Club, Inc. Please mail your check to 5181 Crossings Parkway Hoover, AL 35242.

“The membership of the Club shall be open to all homeowners residing in any home within CaldwellSanctuary. Lessees may become an associate member with non-voting rights but with other membership benefits. This shall be contingent on the payment of all due annual assessments of Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association, Inc. by the owners of such property within Caldwell Sanctuary,” per Club By-Laws.

M. O. Buzz Williams, President

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Alert! Your Neighborhood Watch team received information from neighboring homeowners associations on various burglaries and scams recently perpetrated during November in surrounding subdivisions.


759 Heatherwood Drive - It appears the burglars kicked in the middle garage door, then opened the big door and backed their vehicle into the garage. They left the vehicle running while vandalizing the house.

Jewelry, cash, coin collection, lawn-care equipment and other valuables were taken. Mostly small, easily transportable items were stolen. The Shelby County Sheriff's department has been investigating the burglary.

Attempted Theft:

A male Wine Ridge homeowner noticed a white van and white truck pulled up to his neighbor’s house. He confronted them with cell phone in hand and told him he was calling the police if they did not leave. They did.

He obtained a partial tag identification.

As a reminder, the house that was robbed in Heatherwood, the first on the right as you enter from Caldwell Mill, was robbed in about 45 minutes and had a white truck backed into their garage. It is quite possible this was the same vehicle used in the Heatherwood theft.

Attempted Scams:

Girls were knocking on doors in Heatherwood, Mill Springs, and the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings:

Girls were knocking on doors in the Mill Springs area on Nov. 4th.

E-mails suggest they were at least in the Turnberry, Bayhill, and Masters Lane areas doing the same.

Here is the story from one resident:

One girl and another younger girl, posing as her sister, came by our house on

Nov. 4th around noon. The older girl did all the talking, saying her family had recently moved down on Bayhill from Ohio.

She was out meeting 100 neighbors and collecting donations for purchasing magazine subscriptions for our troops.

She explained cash was best because it would take 10 days for a check to clear and she had to turn in the subscriptions by 6 PM. A big red flag went up! I told her I would need to check out the program before donating.

She said her mother was out having brochures printed, so I told her to drop one by when she had them. Of course she never returned. I checked it out on the web and found it was a big scheme making its way around the country.

Other neighbors sent in similar stories with the girls often saying that they moved in close by. The younger girl was blond.

Similar occurrences have been reported to the Hoover Police concerning Sanctuary residents. A dark haired girl, approximately 5’ 6” tall, about 20 years old, described herself as a new neighbor moving into a house on Crossings Parkway.

She explained, when asked, that her name was Samantha Madden. A similar story followed like the one above, e.g., from Cincinnati, collecting donations, subscriptions, asking for cash, etc. was perpetrated.


The neighborhood policy for those entering the Sanctuary to either sell or to ask for contributions is “No Solicitation!” Signs are posted at the entryway to the Sanctuary. Also, the City of Hoover requires a license to sell door-to-door.

Watch your neighbor’s home as you would your own. Dial 911 if you suspect trespass or theft potential. Hoover Police want our cooperation in crime prevention. You never have to be embarrassed to dial 911.

When in doubt, call them out! Dial 911 to report any suspicious activity, suspicious persons, or suspicious vehicles.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our neighbors! Enjoy the pictures below of pardoned turkeys throughout the years.

President Bush

President Clinton

President Hoover

President Obama

President Reagan

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Annual Meeting

The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Spain Park High School, Rm. 127

The Board of Directors of The Sanctuary Club, Inc. convened its annual members’ meeting at 7 p.m. for the purpose of electing a slate of Directors who will take office on January 1, 2012.

Directors are elected by the membership for two-year terms. All of the Directors will elect for a one-year term, their own Officers after each annual meeting of the membership.

Meeting Minutes:

A quorum of the membership was declared present, members welcomed, and Buzz Williams opened with prayer.

Buzz Williams gave the President’s Annual Report [see attached notes.]

Bill Panter submitted a Treasurer’s Report, dated November 15, 2011.

Bill was commended for his diligent work to keep the Board apprised of its financial status with clear and timely quarterly budget reports.

The major items expensed for 2011 were the annual BBQ and then the Neighborhood Telephone Directory. The planned Budget for 2011 was $1,025.00 and receipts to date are $1,030.00. Disbursements were $1,063.39. Copies of the Budget were made available to Club members.

Tom Clark reported the signed ballots, from those Club members present, were counted, and four Directors were unanimously elected. The Directors elected were Henry Hager, Bill Panter, Robert Hull and Marcus Lawrence. They were elected to serve a two-year term effective January 1, 2012.

A motion was made by Tom Clark to approve those elected and seconded by Mike Taylor. The motion carried.

Ten-Dollar gift certificates were used as door prizes. The prizes were awarded to Robin Hawk, Kay & Steve Hall, Al Black, Barry & Bari Roseman, Cele & Gus Miller, Jeff Marks, Bob Dyck, Mike & Betty Hull, Tom DeShazo, and Michelle Smith. Club Directors and their families were not eligible to win.

A general discussion followed. Clarification was made on the budget for new members. Automobile safety, as it pertains to the traffic lanes directly in front of the Sanctuary, is a concern of many residents. Dan Murchison discussed the situation with the city of Hoover about proposed plans to widen traffic lanes on Caldwell Mill Road. Decisions and details are not yet clear what will be done. Mike Taylor reported the lanes generally meet county-sight standards based on discussions with a county representative.

Tom DeShazo gave a summary of the importance of the new C.S.O.A. Board responsibilities. Tom reminded all those present, that all resident homeowners would elect their new C.S.O.A. Board of Directors.

Buzz Williams commended all members of the Club Board of Directors, on behalf of the Sanctuary residents, for their unselfish dedication and hard work.

A motion was made by Mike Taylor to adjourn and seconded by Tom Clark.

The motion passed.

The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

President’s Annual Report – November 15, 2011

Where we have been:

About 3 years ago, when only half the Sanctuary subdivision was built, or in the process of being built, two visionaries took the initiative to lay the groundwork for the Club. They would not want me to say it, but…

Dan Murchison, and Tom DeShazo, men with considerable experience in managing a volunteer homeowners association, met to ensure that we residents would have the benefit of positive cooperation through the Club and those things that accrue from it. Thereafter, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were adopted and filed.

The Club was formed to promote communication, friendship, social opportunities for the benefit and enjoyment of the residents, to also promote the beautification and preservation of the appearance, value and amenities of the Sanctuary community, to promote the security of the residents, to promote volunteer home maintenance assistance, to assist homeowners in the understanding of, and education and voluntary compliance with the Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.

Subsequently, enthusiastic men and women, good neighbors, came along side of these men to begin the work of building a good quality community. They did their work, as only unselfish citizens could do, and provided sound examples for the rest of us.

Where we are:

We have an active neighborhood watch. We have an Internet BlogSpot for publicity, we have a neighborhood telephone directory that is updated and published annually. Our social committee had a terrific BBQ luncheon last May fifteenth that was attended by an estimated 90 plus residents. That was about 20 more than the previous year.

Our service committee has helped some residents with minor carpenter and plumbing repairs, changing out light bulbs, and provided help on cutting lawns. This list is certainly not all-inclusive of their work. However, it does go to the heart of good neighbors helping neighbors.

Two short years ago, we had only 54 member households. The diligent work of our Board of Directors bumped our membership to 98, and we continue to grow.

The Board of Directors has kept membership fees at $10.00 to cover basic costs, including the neighborhood telephone directory, annual BBQ, door prizes, and incidental administrative costs. The balance in the Club Treasury to date is $716.54.

Where we are going:

There are 4 homes presently under construction, with only one lot remaining to be built upon.

Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association [“C.S.O.A”] plans to build out and transfer control to the Sanctuary residents as soon as they sell the last home. That may take six months, or even a year. Therefore, the time frame for the transfer is unknown.

We have had seven residents express an interest in serving on the new C.S.O.A. Board. These names were shared with McKay Management, Inc., and C.S.O.A.

The C.S.O.A. By-Laws make provision for residents to submit prospective Board member names by way of a petition. That petition was submitted about three weeks ago. As information, we had a thank you letter from McKay Management Inc. in response to the petition. There will be plenty of work for the new Board. The C.S.O.A. Board will be made up of 3 to 5 Directors. There will also be a learning curve that will test the resourcefulness of the new Board.

A training class for prospective new C.S.O.A. Board members was conducted in October in preparation for the transfer of responsibility to the residents. The training material contained ten modules. The development of the training was accomplished and delivered by one of our own residents, Tom DeShazo.

The industry standard for managing a volunteer homeowners association is contained in the Community Association Institute [“C.A.I.”] training material. The ten modules were covered in about four hours. Eight residents were trained.

What will happen to the Sanctuary Club after C.S.O.A. is transferred to the residents? There are important functions preformed by the Club today that are expected to come under the umbrella of the C.S.O.A. in the future, e.g., publishing of an annual telephone directory, maintaining the neighborhood watch data base, continuing the education of residents relative to voluntary compliance of covenants and restrictions, maintenance of the Internet BlogSpot, and publishing a Quarterly News Letter.

Based on C.A.I. guidelines, we have asked the developer and the management company to provide us with all pertinent documents at the time of transfer of the responsibility of C.S.O.A. from the developer to the residents.

MOW / Nov. 15, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Neighbor-to-Neighbor ~ Lights out!

Gibson & Anderson Construction is aware of the lights being out. The power Company cut them and is going to relocate the line. It is in the backyard of lot 401. They cannot rewire until they move the main.

This is not the fault of Gibson & Anderson and they will have them fixed as soon as they can. It would be a waste to connect them only to redo them shortly.

Your patience is appreciated.

Earl Gibson
Gibson & Anderson Construction, Inc.

Monday, October 31, 2011


The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

Meeting Announcement – Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Board of Directors of The Sanctuary Club is pleased to invite all of its members to our annual meeting for the purpose of electing a slate of Directors who will take office on January 1, 2012.

Meeting Time & Location: 7 p.m., Spain Park High School, Rm. 127

Estimated Meeting Duration: 55 minutes

Directors are elected by the membership for two-year terms. All of the Directors will elect, for a one-year term, their own Officers after each annual meeting of the membership.

Agenda: Annual Report & Future Plans

Voting by Signed Ballot; one ballot per household.

Door Prizes! Members only - 10 gift certificates to be given away!

(Board members & their families are not eligible for prizes.)

Purpose: We believe membership and participation in The Sanctuary Club is a great way to make the Sanctuary an excellent place to live. The Club:

1. Promotes communication, friendship, and social opportunities.

2. Promotes the beautification and preservation of the appearance, value and amenities of the Sanctuary community.

3. Promotes the security of the residents through the organization and operation of a Neighborhood Watch Program.

4. Promotes volunteer home maintenance assistance service.

5. Assists homeowners in the understanding of, and education and voluntary compliance with Covenants and Restrictions.

6. Provides a means of consolidating the concerns of the homeowners into a single voice for the benefit of all of its residents.

The Sanctuary Club, Inc. Election Ballot

The election of Board member positions, whose terms expire on December 31, 2011, will be held on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Spain Park High School, Room 127. All Club members are encouraged to attend and vote your choice. Please remember there can be only one vote per household, you must be a paid Club member, and be present to vote. Indicate your vote by marking "X" by the name of the candidate(s) listed below. You may also write-in the name of any member not listed in the space below and vote for that person. Sign your name and address below. You may vote for four including candidate write-ins. All terms will be for 2 years.

The Sanctuary Club nominating committee recommends the following candidates:

Henry Hager                     5630 Crossings View                    _______

Robert Hull                      5112 Crossings Parkway               _______

Marcus Lawrence            5444 Crossings Lake Circle           _______

Bill Panter                       5144 Crossings Parkway                _______

_______________          __________________                   _______

Write-in Name                Address                                          Vote

Note: The Officers of the Club shall be elected, by the Board, at the first meeting of the Board in January after each annual meeting of the membership. The newly elected Officers shall take office immediately and shall serve a one-year term.

Signature of Voter: ____________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________

Please remember to bring your completed election Ballot to the meeting!

As information, Associate members, those who rent or lease, are non-voting members. The following Directors have one more year to serve before their term of office expires: Tom Clark, Lee Dykes, Mary Hayes, Mike Taylor, and Buzz Williams

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pampered Chef Party in The Sanctuary!

Date: Saturday, November 5 - 10:00 AM

Host: Carol Williams & Barbara Griffith
Location: 5429 Crossings Lake Circle, Hoover, AL 35242
Phone: 205-919-8863

Please let me know if you can make it.
Feel free to bring friends!
Come and visit with your neighbors!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fire & Parking

On Oct 2, 2011 a fire broke out in a home on Crossings Lane.. The Hoover Fire Department responded quickly and helped minimize the damage. There was no one injured. There was, sadly, a pet, that was lost due to smoke. While the fire was tragic, what would have been more tragic would be the inability of the fire engines to navigate down our streets due to cars parked in the streets. It is important, that to the extent possible, we keep our cars in our garage or in our driveways. Encourage guests to all park on one side of the street helping to make a wider path for emergency vehicles.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Director Training

Date: September 28, 2011

To: Residents of the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings

From: M. O. Buzz Williams, President, The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

Subject: Training Classes for Residents who may desire to serve as

Members of the new Board of Directors in Caldwell Sanctuary

All the signs from the developer of Caldwell Sanctuary appear positive. The developer has one pre-sale house (lot 401) and one spec. house (lot 403) under construction.

His other two remaining lots (lot 472 and lot 447) are anticipated to have houses built on them soon. Upon completion of construction and sale of the aforementioned four homes, we understand the developer plans to transfer control of the Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association [C.S.O.A.] to the homeowners.

All of this may take six months or even a year to accomplish, but, as you know, the time factor for actual completion is an unknown.

The developer apprised us the building of a home on the last lake-lot, which is owned by Legacy, Inc., is not the developer's concern, nor will it delay the transfer of C.S.O.A. to the residents.

Also, about 4 months ago Community Association Institute conducted a training course for Directors of various local homeowners associations and other interested residents.

Tom DeShazo, a member of the Audit Committee from The Sanctuary Club, Inc., at his own expense, was the only class attendee from our subdivision. The class material and lessons learned are considered invaluable for a community of residents about to assume control of a homeowners association.

Tom has subsequently developed ten training modules* that are essential tools for use by managing Directors in a homeowners association.

The class material can be covered in six hours. The training includes classroom power point presentations, and resource handouts. Those who may desire to serve our community on the C.S.O.A. board of directors at some future date, [after their election,] will find this training indispensable.

Whether any person wants to serve on the C.S.O.A. board, or just be informed on the complex issues of managing a homeowners association, or working on any board of directors, can expect not to be disappointed.

There will be a very nominal charge for the class to cover Tom’s cost for printing resource handouts. Tom will deliver the training either on two Saturday mornings or two Sunday afternoons, with about 3 hours of class work per session.

Any adult resident of the Sanctuary may attend a class by contacting Tom DeShazo by e-mail by October 6th. Please indicate your preference for Saturday or Sunday training. The dates, times, and locations for training are planned to be announced by October 10th. to those who have expressed an interest in attending the class.

* Caldwell Sanctuary Board of Directors Training Modules:

1] Home Owners Association Volunteer Leadership

2] Home Owners Association Organization

3] Fiduciary Duty of Directors & Committees

4] Home Owners Association Board Meetings

5] Home Owners Association Finances

6] Problem Solving for Directors

7] Hiring a Professional Team

8] Enforcement of Association Rules, Covenants, & Restrictions

9] Maintenance of Association Capital Property & Common Area

10] Risk Control & Insurance

The training syllabus is based on the Center for Community Association
Institute Center for Community Association Volunteers Publication,
"The Essentials of Community Association Volunteer Leadership.”

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Buzz Williams in the Carbondale, PA news


M.O. Buzz Williams (right) recently donated a copy of his book "Disciple Maker" to the Carbondale Public Library.  It was accepted by library director Marie Zaccone.  

By Tom Flannery

Carbondale, PA - As an Independent Reformed Presbyterian pastor, M.O. Buzz Williams has been concerned for many years about what he calls "a crisis of disobedience" within the Evangelical Church. Citing the Great Commission - the command that Jesus gave His followers in Matthew 28 to "go into all the world and preach the gospel to all people, making disciples of all those who believe" - Buzz said he sees little interest from fellow evangelical leaders in carrying out that divine decree.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Keep children safe! About 183 children are killed in driveways each year, often
times by their own parents.

Back-over accidents are not uncommon. About 7,000 children are injured in
back-over driveway accidents each year.

Please do not let children play in the driveway unattended! Require them to
stand in a "visible location" away from the driveway before you move the

The best defense is to look behind your vehicle just before you back up. This
means walk behind the vehicle.

Do not assume the child is in the house! Again, take time to walk behind the

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Congratulations Mayor Petelos!

Hoover Mayor Tony Petelos said Wednesday he plans to accept an offer to become Jefferson County's first professional manager.
Click title of this posting for the entire article.

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011 (Open Letter)

Dear Sanctuary Club Board Members:

Yesterday, as I drove through the neighborhood, and sometimes I drive alone, sometimes with friends, family or neighbors, I was asked directly by a friend passing by if I had been identifying covenant violation and reporting them to McKay Management.

It was pointed out, that some folks had recently received covenant violation letters. The focus of the conversation was not on the violation, but on the assumption that perhaps Buzz, along with his friends, was making reports to McKay on covenant violations.

My Response: I am happy that I was asked directly by someone! [That way a lot of gossip can be put to rest.]

Permit me this perspective: In my view, Satan is the accuser. Gossip is one of his chief weapons. Please feel free to approach me at any time with any question that is in the best interest of our neighborhood.

If I am not approachable by any person in this neighborhood, then I ought to resign immediately.

I have a vested interest in the neighborhood, as do you. I play a part in neighborhood watch, as do you. My part is active in that respect. I try to make a drive through at least two or three times a week. I do not, as a practice, report covenant violations. C.S.O.A has hired McKay Management to do that job. I let them do it.

Another reason that I drive through our neighborhood is that I love my neighbors and this is my home. I meet folks walking their dogs, doing the yard work, or just enjoying their day. I have a high regard for them.

During my routine drive through, about two weeks ago, I met some really nice new "area 4" neighbors, Kevin & Becky Bixler, and their daughter. Kevin is a corporate jet pilot. They are renting their home for three years. Carol and I visited with them, signed them up as associate club members, and gave them a directory and neighborhood watch papers.

About 10 days ago, Thomas De Shazo, a member of the Club Audit Committee, and I, did a drive through to look at the gate located at the back of the subdivision. On at least two occasions, in the past, Thomas and I found the gate to be damaged or broken.

Subsequently, Thomas met with the fire marshal concerning the breaks, and I asked McKay to install signs as a warning to those who may want to damage or break the gate. Residents, as you know, wind up paying for gate breaks and it is not cheap.

On a drive through, about 3 days ago, Carol and I met Anna & Jim Cobb, and daughter Suzanne. They just moved into the neighborhood that day. Jim is a retired CPA. We visited with them briefly and found them to be very receptive to joining our club. Thereafter, I sent e-mail to Tom Clark asking him to visit them because he is their Area Director.

All this is to say; I plan to continue to serve this community as best as I can. I am certainly not error-free in my judgment. If there are concerns, let your neighbors know that we, collectively and individually, as a Board, are approachable. We are here to listen and to help as best we can.

Best Regards,

M. O. Buzz Williams

Monday, August 1, 2011


Photo from a weekend burger & hotdog party, July 29th. with nine of the 15 grandchildren belonging to Buzz & Carol Williams.

Top left - Katy, Madison, John, Trey,
Bottom left - Will, Catherine, Joey, Caroline, and Randy

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Lightning protection systems have been the target of much discussion and inquiry for more than a year in the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings. Lightning strikes are not uncommon in this part of Hoover and some homes have been hit by lightning strikes in the Sanctuary and in Caldwell Crossings. Some lightning strikes have brought destruction and fire.

You may know that The Sanctuary Club, Inc. Board of Directors met with representatives of the Hobbs Group, Inc. a few months ago, to better understand options available to residential customers. The Hobbs Group, Inc. has worked on mostly commercial, industrial, and government projects. They and others who may offer certified lightning protection systems to residential customers generally do cost estimates on a case-by-case inquiry.

The Sanctuary Club, Inc. submitted a generic proposal to the Architectural Review Committee [ARC] of the Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association [C.S.O.A.] for a lightning protection system. The intent was to determine if the ARC was amenable for lightning protection system installations in the Sanctuary residential community.

We received a qualified “Yes,” but residents should still submit individually to the ARC for approval so that the system selected can be approved and also be a matter of record.

Alternatively, some residents may choose to use surge protection devices installed by a licensed electrician in lieu of installing a lightening protection system. One such installation for three surge protection devices in the Sanctuary was priced at $650.00.

Seek advice from a licensed professional before you decide what is best for you and yours.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The following item of interest was copied off the internet. Suggestion ---
You may want to google "National Do Not Call Registry" and check it out for yourself.

There are no costs to add your telephone numbers to the National Do Not Call Registry.
It should minimize telemarketer calls to your home and mine.

FTC Consumer Alert Q&A: The National Do Not Call Registry

Tell Me More About the National Do Not Call Registry

Why would I register my phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry?

The National Do Not Call Registry gives you an opportunity to limit the telemarketing calls you receive. Once you register your phone number, telemarketers covered by the National Do Not Call Registry have up to 31 days from the date you register to stop calling you.

Who manages the National Do Not Call Registry?

The National Do Not Call Registry is managed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency. It is enforced by the FTC, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and state law enforcement officials.

Why was the National Do Not Call Registry created?

The registry was created to offer consumers a choice regarding telemarketing calls. The FTC’s decision to create the National Do Not Call Registry was the culmination of a comprehensive, three-year review of the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR), as well as the Commission’s extensive experience enforcing the TSR over seven years. The FTC held numerous workshops, meetings, and briefings to solicit feedback from interested parties and considered over 64,000 public comments, most of which favored creating the registry. You can review the entire record of the Rule review at

How Does Registration Work? How soon after I register will I notice a reduction in calls?

Telemarketers covered by the National Do Not Call Registry have up to 31 days from the date you register to stop calling you.

When I register my phone number, how long until it shows up on the National Do Not Call Registry?

After you register, your phone number will show up on the registry by the next day. Telemarketers have up to 31 days to get your phone number and remove it from their call lists.

What if I change my mind? Can I take my number off the National Do Not Call Registry?

You can delete your phone number only by calling toll-free 1-888-382-1222 from the telephone number you want to delete. After you contact the registry to delete it, it will be removed from the National Do Not Call Registry by the next day. But telemarketers have up to 31 days to access information about your deletion and add your number back to their call lists, if they choose to.

If I registered by phone, will I receive a confirmation?

No, but you can verify that your number is on the registry online at or by calling the registry’s toll-free number (1-888-382-1222) and following the prompts for verifying that your number is on the registry.

I received a phone call from someone offering to put my name on the National Do Not Call Registry. Should I let them?

No. The FTC does not allow private companies or other such third parties to register consumers for the National Do Not Call Registry. Websites or phone solicitations that claim they can or will register a consumer’s name or phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry — especially those that charge a fee — are almost certainly a scam. Consumers may register directly, or through some state governments, but never through private companies. For consumers, the National Do Not Call Registry is a free service of the federal government.


Thanks to our neighbors for your help!

Gracie, the dog, was found! Happy 4th of July.

God bless America!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Jack Russell Terrier answering to the name "Gracie" was lost in the Sanctuary.

Gracie is about 10 inches (+/-) tall, a little bit over weight and about 3 or 4 years old.

She has a white coat with a little brown and black on the muzzle.

If found, then please contact Barbara Hodgekiss at 5432 Crossings Lake Circle, telephone 991-3629.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Book Release - Authored by The Sanctuary's very own Buzz Williams!

Disciple Maker: Crisis of Disobedience
in the Evangelical Church
M.O. Buzz Williams


America's moral, economic, and leadership decline is symptomatic of a greater problem; that problem is in the weakened fabric of the Evangelical Church.

Liberalism and social justice have supplanted righteousness and holiness.
The result is a weak Church reflective of the European model.

This book calls Church leadership back to the biblical model for making disciples.

The author tackles the difficult aspects of negligent Church leadership, and he exposes those who would intentionally thwart the disciple-making ministry.

The author explains the necessity for appropriating the means of grace, and its centrality for initiating, developing, and perpetuating a disciple-making ministry.

Expect to greatly enlarge your ministry as you, in dependence upon the Holy Spirit, first become a disciple, and then as you produce disciples and disciple makers.

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches," Rev. 2:29.

Publication Date: Jun 25 2011         ISBN/EAN13: 1461123054 / 978146112305

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dog Found

Michael Billingsley  at 4204 Crossings Lane  found a dog  - large breed, yellow, longer hair than a lab, but sort of looks like a lab, older and heavier.  Cell is 613-9603.  Thanks
Is This your dog?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The following article was written by a thoughtful neighbor from Caldwell Crossings...


Don’t get caught in a head-on collision. It could prove to be deadly. Many of us Caldwell Crossings residents enter the Crossings from Caldwell Mill Road via The Sanctuary route (aka Crossings Parkway) which provides a straight shot into the subdivision for most of us living near The Sanctuary neighborhood. Please, be EXTREMELY ALERT if you are heading south (toward Valley Dale Rd & Publix) on Caldwell Mill Road and attempt to make a left turn into The Sanctuary (on Crossings Parkway). One correctly makes the left turn from the center turn lane. Unfortunately, the actual point from which the left turn is made is at the peak of the hill on Caldwell Mill Road. The danger for a head on collision presents itself when one moves into the center turn lane before he can see over the peak of the hill for the oncoming traffic. I personally have seen, on more than one occasion when I wanted to make my left turn, individuals heading north (opposite from the direction in which I am going) in the center turn lane. They cannot see over the peak of the hill either. They evidently are planning to make a left turn further up the road behind me. Neither can see the other coming until they reach the peak of the hill. Two vehicles in the center turn lane heading in opposite directions without being able to see one another until the last second is not good. They are destined for a terrific head on collision – and at the speeds people travel, somebody’s going to be killed. I have made it a practice not to get into the center turn lane until I reach the peak of the hill and can see what the oncoming traffic is doing. Unfortunately, it takes a little intestinal fortitude to do that because no one wants to offend anyone. That good habit irritates most drivers that are following me because I must slow down considerably before moving out of the traffic lane and into the center turn lane. (Not to worry. I don’t lose any friends doing that because if they were my friends they would not have blown their horn or made obscene gestures at me!) I try to alleviate the ill will by turning on my left turn signal quite a distance from the point I actually turn and begin slowing early. (Be sure to check your mirror before you move into the center turn lane to make certain someone behind you that wants to make the same left turn as you is not already in the center turn lane.) You might want to consider employing my solution. I hope you will. I like my Caldwell Crossings neighbors

Monday, May 16, 2011


During a Special Called meeting of the Club Board of Directors on May 15, 2011, at the Barn Pavilion in Veterans Park, and with a quorum of the membership present, and a majority voting in favor of the stated Amendment to Article II, Section 1, Membership, the amendment passed as stated herein:

"The membership of the Club shall be open to all homeowners residing in any home within Caldwell Sanctuary. Lessees may become an associate member with non-voting rights but with other membership benefits. This shall be contingent on the payment of all due annual assessments of Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association, Inc. by the owners of such property within Caldwell Sanctuary."
The Sanctuary Club, Inc.
Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2011

The Sanctuary Club held its second meeting for the year on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 7:00 pm at the home of Buzz and Carol Williams. Buzz Williams welcomed everyone.

Tom Clark led the opening prayer.

Present were: Buzz Williams, Marcus Lawrence, Henry Hager, Lee Dykes, Mike Taylor, Robert Hull, Tom Clark and Mary Hayes. Bill Panter was absent. A quorum was present.

Buzz Williams called the meeting to order.

Mary Hayes noted that a copy of last quarter Board minutes had been e-mailed to all Directors on January 24, 2011. No corrections or changes had been noted. The minutes were unanimously approved as written.

Buzz Williams gave the Treasurer's Report in the absence of Bill Panter. The disbursements were discussed. In conjunction with the budget, sympathy cards for the Directors to give to their respective area neighborhood groups were passed out. Judy Murchison was reimbursed for the expense of having the cards printed. Mike Taylor then brought to the attention of the area directors that we needed some guidance as to how to handle bereavement issues with regard to the death or sickness of a resident in our neighborhood. After some discussion it was decided that Mike Taylor would talk with a few other people in the neighborhood and bring a proposal for our next meeting as to what policy the Directors could develop for the future to pass the word to area neighbors and what we might establish as a guideline as to what would be done ... whether a card, food, or flowers. Henry Hager made a motion to approve the budget. Lee Dykes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Old Business

Buzz Williams asked for reports from the Directors.

Henry Hager gave the Club Membership Committee Report. He stated that the membership is 95 out of 103 lots. It was discussed and decided to grant Naseem Ajlouny membership to the Sanctuary Club, Inc. even though he had not paid his dues. He graciously provides the barbecue, at a discounted price, for the annual Sanctuary Club BBQ each year.

Buzz Williams gave the Audit Committee Report on behalf of Bill Panter. Dan Murchison, Tom Deshazo, and Buzz Williams (who represented Bill Panter in his absence) met to review the budget for Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association. CSOA is a not for profit corporation which operates for the benefit of the residents. There is a $15,000 cash reserve in the account. Vern Hydorn from the Caldwell Homeowners Association for the first and second sectors reported that they had a $100,000 reserve in their account. Brittany Newell at McKay Management was asked to consider coming down on the assessment next year. Brittany brought the issue to Earl Gibson who said that it would stay as is for now. It was also noted that there is a 2 million-liability insurance on the pond. The question was brought up whether there is any insurance on the common wall; and would the expense of repair on the wall fall on the area residents should it need repair.

Lee Dykes gave the Social Committee Report. The Sanctuary annual BBQ picnic will be held Sunday, May 15, 1-5 pm. It was decided to have the picnic first this year and the ice cream social in August or September. It will be held at the Hoover pavilion. In order to reserve the pavilion, you must wait until 3 months before the date you need reserved to make the reservation. The flyer was presented for approval.

It was suggested to add the menu for adults and children and to add a RSVP date. The general consensus was for the area directors to distribute the flyers door to door and to leave them in the mailbox if no one is at home. Three weeks before the picnic date, Judy Murchison will send out a mass e- mail of the flyer. Two weeks before the picnic, area directors to deliver the flyers to area residents. There will be a sign-in book by the entrance of the BBQ for residents to sign in and to register for a "mystery prize". The drawing will be held that day and the prize will be some type of plant.

Marcus Lawrence gave the Sanctuary Telephone Book Committee Report. Marcus Lawrence, Judy Murchison, Carol Williams and Sandra Hager all worked on the new directory. Pete's Printing on Hwy 31 did the printing and assembly of the books. It was noted that the new design for the front cover was very nice and was a good rendering of the front entrance sign to the Sanctuary. Marcus also noted that they were able to come in under budget and felt that Pete's Printing had done a good job.

Robert Hull gave the Neighborhood Watch Report. Robert noted that we are listed with the Crime Alert Department at the Hoover police Department - the Inverness and Heatherwood areas. We are supposed to receive automatic notifications via e-mail of crime reports. Robert noted that he had not received any reports for 2 months. He also reported on the number of changes that had been turned in for each area.

Mike Taylor gave the Special-Assistance-to-Residents Activity Report. He noted that he and Tom Clark responded to an area resident with 3 needs. Tom Clark closed an open window in her attic. She also had a problem with a toilet and had bricks that were turning white underneath a mat. Henry Hager suggested pouring vinegar on the bricks. Buzz Williams and several others noted that they also had problems with a seal in the toilet. There is a video on line that addresses that problem.

Tom Clark gave the Street and Sidewalk Maintenance and Terminal Box Alignment Report. There are places that still need to be cut and repaired along the streets and in the sidewalks. Tom will check with the city of Hoover about those repairs. He needs to have a punch list of addresses that need attention. Tom had also composed a list of terminal boxes that still needed alignment, but had misplaced the list. He will send something to Buzz by the end of May.

Henry Hager gave the Lightning Protection System/Request to McKay Mgmt. Report. Henry sent a request to the ARC for an approval for a generic lightning protection system installation. Henry provided a drawing, copy of lEE report, lightning strike data that stated lightning strikes normally occur in the order of 1) Power poles 2) AC unit or satellite 3) Trees 4) House. The ARC has reviewed the information and has requested a picture of an installation before providing an answer.

Tom Clark gave the Entry Way Lighting Expansion & U-Verse Availability Report. Tom had spoken with Brett Hamrick of Alabama Power Company. Options include a 16-foot Boom with Cobra light off an existing pole. Cost $35 a month, with a 2-year contract commitment, or, an Acorn type light with possible new pole. Cost would be $50 a month for acorn type and requires a 5-year commitment. If the new pole is put on center median, it could easily be hit. If it were put on the left then a tunnel would have to be dug under the road and would be more expensive.

U-Verse: The Sanctuary is located in Phase 3 Sub out of Riverchase Central Office. We are over 5 miles from Riverchase. Sanctuary residents need to go on line to the AT&T website and register their name that they would like to have U-Verse. Possibly Judy Murchison could send out a mass e-mail letting area residents know to do that and to research information about U-verse on that web site.

Mike Taylor gave the Traffic-Light-at-the-Entryway Report. Mike had spoken to Earl Gibson and Earl had advised that we not pursue the need of a traffic light by solely addressing a safety issue. Apparently the ALDOT has specifications for overcoming speeding and there is plenty of room to stop and see on-coming traffic. Mike requested help on how to best pursue the issue. Buzz suggested that Mike meet with Dan Murchison and Bob Dyck and see if they could come up with any new suggestions of how to best pursue the issue.

Buzz Williams gave the Publicity Committee Report. The Sanctuary Blog Spot had undergone a facelift. Color and format are different. With the approval from McKay Management, the CSOA's By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation and Covenants and Restrictions can now be accessed on the blog spot. A special thank you to Buzz's daughter for incorporating the information and new color and format.

New Business

Henry Hager presented a Proposed Amendment of Club By-Laws. Discussion followed about the wording and concern of including a non-homeowner as the same type of member as a homeowner. Only one vote per household is allowed and a lessee is not contributing to the association's annual dues. Motion to Amend the By-Laws of the Sanctuary Club was reworded to read:

The membership of the Club shall be open to all homeowners residing in any home within Caldwell Sanctuary. Lessees may become an associate member with non-voting rights but with other membership benefits. This shall be contingent on the payment of all due annual assessments of Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association, Inc. by the owners of such property within Caldwell Sanctuary.

A copy of the ballot is attached. Henry Hager made a motion that the Amendment to the Bylaws be approved and accepted as written. Mike Taylor seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Henry Hager made a motion to have a special meeting to vote on the Amendment of Club By-Laws in conjunction with the Annual Barbecue on May 15th. Robert Hull seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Mary Hayes was directed to provide the membership voter ballot for the Sanctuary residents to vote at the May 15th Barbecue.

Buzz Williams gave an update on Highway Road Expansion Plans [Expected 2014] Report in the absence of Dan Murchison. There was no change from the previous report in January.

There was no further business. Motion to adjourn was made by Lee Dykes. Henry Hager seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Hayes, Secretary

Friday, May 6, 2011


Club members will have an opportunity to vote on the establishment of associate Club membership, with non-voting rights, for residents who lease or rent in the Sanctuary.

Voting will be held during the BBQ. on May 15th. at 1:30 p.m. in the Barn Pavilion at Veterans Park.

The Sanctuary Club, Inc. exists as a neighborhood entity that is limited to social, informational, educational, and security endeavors.

The Club is separate and distinct from Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association, as you know, which is presently under the exclusive control of the developer.

The "other benefits" an associate non-voting Club member would be entitled to, if authorized by the Club membership, is limited to participation on service committees, neighborhood watch, environmental and aesthetic endeavors, and social functions.

At such a time when control of C.S.O.A. is passed from the developer to the residents, the Club will become obsolete.

C.S.O.A., it is anticipated, will take up those functions that previously belonged to the Club. Membership and associate membership in the Club will not transfer to C.S.O.A., per se'.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


As information concerning "suspicious vehicles" in any neighborhood:

If in doubt about any of the following, then alert the Hoover Police at 911.

Vehicles in the following situations MAY be involved in crimes and should be reported to authorities:

• Slow moving, without lights, following aimless course in any location, including residential streets, schools, and playgrounds (burglar, drug pusher, or sex offender);

• Parked or occupied, containing one or more persons, especially at an unusual hour (lookouts for a burglary or robbery);

• Parked by an unoccupied residence, being loaded with valuables (burglary or theft);

• Abandoned in your neighborhood (stolen car);

• Containing weapons (criminal activity);

• Someone, especially a female or juvenile, being forced into a vehicle (kidnapping, assault, or attempted rape);

• Business transactions taking place in it, (sale of stolen items or drugs);

• Someone attempting to forcibly enter it; (theft of car or its contents);

• Persons detaching mechanical parts or accessories from it; (theft or vandalism);

• Objects being thrown from it; (disposing of contraband).

A nosey neighbor is generally a deterrent to crime. Stay alert!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Celebrate Hoover Day!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

1:30 – 5:30 pm

(Rain date: Sunday, May 1, 2011)

Veterans Park on Valleydale


Parking at Spain Park High School with shuttle service provided

Celebrate Hoover Day is the City of Hoover’s annual city-wide celebration. Make plans to attend this family-friendly event that will appeal to all age groups! Admittance, shuttles and all activities are FREE!

Featured activities include:

Annual veterans memorial plaza dedication – 1:30 pm
This special ceremony will honor our Veterans that have been memorialized with a brick paver in the plaza. We will also honor lives that have been lost during the war. A re-enactment of Iwo-Jima will take place.

Live entertainment

Car show
All show car owners are invited to bring your car to display for the enjoyment of others. There is no charge to enter your vehicle or participate in the event. Plan to arrive for set-up no later than noon.

GIANT apple pie and Blue Bell ice cream
Enjoy a slice of Alabama’s largest apple pie measuring 10’3" and baked in a 12’ X 12’ convection oven right at the park!
Blue Bell Creameries will provide the scoop of ice cream to complete your delicious treat!

Kids Zone
  • Entertainment and games managed by Live Productions
  • Inflatables
  • Train
  • Appearance by the Backyardigans
  • Appearance by Dora & Diego
  • Soccer demonstrations
Hoover Police Department displays

Hoover Fire Department displays

Exhibitor Pavilion
Visit the Expansive Exhibitor Pavilion that includes more than 120 booth displays featuring Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce members and Greater Shelby County Chamber of Commerce members.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Neighborhood Watch Alert!

A Suspicious White Van has pulled into the Sanctuary, into a driveway, and left when spotted by one neighbor. There was an older man and woman driving this Van.

Please be alert. Watch your home and your neighbor's home.

Report suspicious activity to Police when in doubt. Call 911 and don't be shy.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


We had a "face lift" to The Sanctuary Club Blog Spot during March!

Check it out at

A new feature was added ---

Permission was given to The Sanctuary Club, Inc. by McKay Management, Inc,. to provide Sanctuary residents with important information about Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association [C.S.O.A.] via the Club Blog Spot.

You will find a C.S.O.A. button on The Sanctuary Club Blog Spot "home page."

Click on the C.S.O.A. button to find C.S.O.A. Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Covenants & Restrictions, and Architectural Review Guidelines.

This is a great educational tool and a great source of information for Sanctuary residents.

We thank Amy Lynn Bolt for her diligent work for the Club on our Blog Spot!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The "2011 Sanctuary Telephone Directories" have arrived! They look great and we thank our good neighbors Judy Murchison, Sandra Hager, Carol Williams, and Marcus Lawrence for their diligent efforts to create, design and develop a good-quality telephone directory.

Members of The Sanctuary Club, Inc. will receive one new directory at no charge. Directories will be delivered by your Area Directors next week. Non-member directories, or extra directories, are $5.00 each and may be obtained from your Area Directors.

The Sanctuary Club Quarterly Newsletter ~ February 28, 2011

Click here to view Newsletter

Friday, March 25, 2011

Help Hoover

Household Hazardous Waste Day

When: Saturday - April 23, 2011

Hours: 8 AM until Noon

Where: Regions Park Stadium - Parking Lot

Who Can Participate: City of Hoover (Households) ONLY


(Businesses and contractors are not included in this event)

For more information, contact Darlene Pate, HHWD Event Coordinator

 205-444-7543 or

**Please click on link to view website which contains a list of acceptable items -**

NEW THIS YEAR.....WE WILL BE ACCEPTING FLAGS. If you have old flags which need to be discarded, bring them to this event. We will turn them over to the Boy Scouts for proper disposal.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Avoid the rip-off! Please do not spend $25 to paint your house number on the street or gutter! McKay Management, Inc. confirms they will require you to have it removed at your expense.

Your house number, as you know, is above your mailbox. The Hoover Fire Marshall, ambulance service, and police department does not have a problem finding your home in an emergency.

Please be advised, both Caldwell Crossings and the Caldwell Sanctuary have covenants and restrictions that prevent us from painting house numbers on the streets, curbing or gutters.

Also, please be alert to the very fast, over-night, quick-sale scam artist. Check out what is being offered. Does the person selling a product or service have a City of Hoover sales license. You may certainly ask to see their license. People should not be coming to your door for purposes of solicitation in any case.

Gee whiz information: We live in a "no solicitation" neighborhood. There is a sign at the entry way of the Sanctuary pointing this out. Folks coming into the neighborhood are not permitted to hang, paste or tape anything on your mailbox. You own your mail box. Don't be shy about pointing it out to them.

The United States Post Office has the last say on what can be put into your mail box, e.g., correspondence, papers or small packages that lack postage may be taken by the post man back to the Post Office. The Post Office has legitimate authority to bill a person for the paper or package left in your mail box, if it can be determined who put it there.