Thursday, March 3, 2011


Avoid the rip-off! Please do not spend $25 to paint your house number on the street or gutter! McKay Management, Inc. confirms they will require you to have it removed at your expense.

Your house number, as you know, is above your mailbox. The Hoover Fire Marshall, ambulance service, and police department does not have a problem finding your home in an emergency.

Please be advised, both Caldwell Crossings and the Caldwell Sanctuary have covenants and restrictions that prevent us from painting house numbers on the streets, curbing or gutters.

Also, please be alert to the very fast, over-night, quick-sale scam artist. Check out what is being offered. Does the person selling a product or service have a City of Hoover sales license. You may certainly ask to see their license. People should not be coming to your door for purposes of solicitation in any case.

Gee whiz information: We live in a "no solicitation" neighborhood. There is a sign at the entry way of the Sanctuary pointing this out. Folks coming into the neighborhood are not permitted to hang, paste or tape anything on your mailbox. You own your mail box. Don't be shy about pointing it out to them.

The United States Post Office has the last say on what can be put into your mail box, e.g., correspondence, papers or small packages that lack postage may be taken by the post man back to the Post Office. The Post Office has legitimate authority to bill a person for the paper or package left in your mail box, if it can be determined who put it there.

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