Monday, October 31, 2011


The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

Meeting Announcement – Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Board of Directors of The Sanctuary Club is pleased to invite all of its members to our annual meeting for the purpose of electing a slate of Directors who will take office on January 1, 2012.

Meeting Time & Location: 7 p.m., Spain Park High School, Rm. 127

Estimated Meeting Duration: 55 minutes

Directors are elected by the membership for two-year terms. All of the Directors will elect, for a one-year term, their own Officers after each annual meeting of the membership.

Agenda: Annual Report & Future Plans

Voting by Signed Ballot; one ballot per household.

Door Prizes! Members only - 10 gift certificates to be given away!

(Board members & their families are not eligible for prizes.)

Purpose: We believe membership and participation in The Sanctuary Club is a great way to make the Sanctuary an excellent place to live. The Club:

1. Promotes communication, friendship, and social opportunities.

2. Promotes the beautification and preservation of the appearance, value and amenities of the Sanctuary community.

3. Promotes the security of the residents through the organization and operation of a Neighborhood Watch Program.

4. Promotes volunteer home maintenance assistance service.

5. Assists homeowners in the understanding of, and education and voluntary compliance with Covenants and Restrictions.

6. Provides a means of consolidating the concerns of the homeowners into a single voice for the benefit of all of its residents.

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