Saturday, December 17, 2011

Neighborhood Watch

This is a report from our neighbors in the Mill Springs Estates Homeowners Association

It has been reported that there was another attempted break-in in Altadena Woods on Monday. A White SUV with Arizona license plates. In the past there have been SUV's that backed down a drive way and then someone knocks on the door to see if someone is home. If no one is home they break-in through the garage door. If someone is home, they make some excuse about cleaning gutters, etc.

Also, we have received reports that there were two break-ins in Caldwell Crossings in the past month or so. No further details on those two have been received.

So far, believe we have been lucky here in Mill Springs Estates and we would certainly like to keep it that way. We would like to suggest some ideas on how we can help protect our neighborhood:
  • if you are going to be out of town, possibly you should alert some of your neighbors of the dates, etc., that you will be gone.
  • if you are having work done on your house, etc., you might also want to alert your neighbors of the work being done and who is doing it, especially if you will not be at home during the day.
  • if you see suspicious cars in the neighborhood, we would suggest you call the police department.if there are people who are going door to door and come to your house, you should ask to see their permits from the city of Hoover. If they have permits from the city, you should tell them that there is no soliciting signs at our entrance. If they do not have permits from the city, you should tell them there is no soliciting in our neighborhood and then immediately call the Hoover police.
  • many of our homes have alarm systems, so that if you hear an alarm go off please call either the homeowner whose alarm has gone off or the Hoover Police can have the newspaper stopped during your absence (can be done on line at the Birmingham News website). A pile of newspapers on your driveway is a sure sign that you are gone.please also have your mail stopped or ask someone to take in out of the mailbox during your absences. The mail can be stopped by using, please ask your neighbors to remove any packages delivered to your door during your absence.
  • even if your neighbor did not alert you to being out of town or having work done, and you know they are not home, if you see something suspicious, please call the police should certainly not confront the person or persons who you think are suspicious, but instead let our Hoover Police handle it.
Everyone should have a listing of our residents including their phone numbers and email addresses. Let's all try to watch out for our neighbors during this Christmas Season.

If you see something suspicious, please do NOT call or email a board member or block captain, but instead call the Hoover Police Department. You can call the Hoover Police using the 911 number or 444-7700. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mill Springs EstatesHomeowners Association

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