Wednesday, April 27, 2011


As information concerning "suspicious vehicles" in any neighborhood:

If in doubt about any of the following, then alert the Hoover Police at 911.

Vehicles in the following situations MAY be involved in crimes and should be reported to authorities:

• Slow moving, without lights, following aimless course in any location, including residential streets, schools, and playgrounds (burglar, drug pusher, or sex offender);

• Parked or occupied, containing one or more persons, especially at an unusual hour (lookouts for a burglary or robbery);

• Parked by an unoccupied residence, being loaded with valuables (burglary or theft);

• Abandoned in your neighborhood (stolen car);

• Containing weapons (criminal activity);

• Someone, especially a female or juvenile, being forced into a vehicle (kidnapping, assault, or attempted rape);

• Business transactions taking place in it, (sale of stolen items or drugs);

• Someone attempting to forcibly enter it; (theft of car or its contents);

• Persons detaching mechanical parts or accessories from it; (theft or vandalism);

• Objects being thrown from it; (disposing of contraband).

A nosey neighbor is generally a deterrent to crime. Stay alert!

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