Thursday, December 24, 2009


Confederated Black Cake (of around 1862) an old fashioned recipe for the New Year. This recipe comes from Jennie Boone, Howard Boone’s 81 year old mother of Merry Oaks Farm, Sandy Ridge, Alabama.

Jennie explains, “As far back as I can remember, one of the special smells and tastes of Christmas was a Confederate Black Cake. My mother always told me the recipe was made by my Great Grandmother, Sarah Jane Hardy Robertson during the Civil War.
It was delicious, and at our house it takes the place of fruit cake.”

2 cups sugar 1 ½ cups chopped pecans
¾ cup cooking oil 1 cup currants
3 cups sifted plain flour 1 cup raisins
2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup buttermilk 2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons allspice
2 teaspoons nutmeg

Use an electric mixer. In the mixing bowl add: 2 cups sugar, ¾ cup cooking oil and vanilla

Measure 1 rounded teaspoon soda and add to 1 cup buttermilk. Stir and add about ½ of this to sugar, oil and vanilla stirring well.

Sift together: 3 cups plain flour, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons nutmeg and 2 teaspoons allspice.

Set aside about 1/3 cup of above mixture to dredge fruits and nuts. Add flour and spice mixture to first mixture with 2 eggs and remainder of buttermilk. Mix well.

In another bowl dredge 1 cup raisins, 1 cup currants (found at Publix) 1 ½ cups chopped pecans. Fold into first mixture only stirring enough to blend well. Pour into greased Bundt pan. Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour and 10 minutes. (Be sure cake is done by piecing with a toothpick until it comes out clean.) Cook on wire rack.

Note: One year ago in the fall, I had the privilege of going to Merry Oaks Farm with Howard to meet and visit with his mother. A more gracious and hospitable lady you just won’t find! Thanks Jennie for this terrific recipe!

MOW/ Dec. ‘09

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Sanctuary Club, Inc. Progress Report & Invitation

Hello Good Neighbors! We invite you to renew your membership for 2010. New residents are also are encouraged to join! We believe membership and participation in The Sanctuary Club is a great way to make the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings an excellent place to live.

The Sanctuary Club was formed in the fall of 2007 and has as its purpose communication, information, friendship, security and social opportunities. It promotes co-operative work to enhance the beauty and preservation of the appearance, value and amenities of our community. We ask you to remit $10 per household by January 15 to The Sanctuary Club, Inc. 5181 Crossings Parkway Hoover, AL 35242.

The Sanctuary Club:
• Published a neighborhood telephone directory by resident name. It also contains a companion cross reference section that numerically identifies each lot and corresponding resident name. A new directory is planned for first quarter 2010.
• Distributes a quarterly newsletter with information about our neighborhood, community, city, and your favorite recipes.
• Implemented the Neighborhood Watch in concert with the Hoover Police Department for the security of residents by and through their participation in the program.
• Maintains a low-cost annual membership to cover basic expenses.
• Established a community internet access as a means to communicate items of interests on a regular basis. Log on to
• Created a volunteer home assistance program to help residents diagnose/solve problems.
• Encourages participation of residents on standing and special committees.

The Sanctuary Club is reaching out to you with opportunities for your participation on the following committees that might be of interest to you: Neighborhood directory, Volunteer home assistance, Social activities, Quarterly newsletter, Neighborhood Watch, Membership, Publicity, Neighborhood esthetics, and special projects. We hope that you take advantage of and participate on a committee that is of interest to you.

The Sanctuary Club Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws are available for your perusal at Please contact any of the board members (listed below) with questions you may have. We truly believe that membership and participation in this club will enhance your enjoyment of our neighborhood, as well as provide opportunities to be more involved in our community.

The Board of Directors of The Sanctuary Club
Dan Murchison President
Buzz Williams Vice President
Ashby Watkins Treasurer
Area 1 - Marcus Lawrence (Lots 401-408, 499-513)
Area 2 - Robert Hull (Lots 409-417, 492-498)
Area 3 - Henry Hager (Lots 478-491)
Area 4 - Bill Panter (Lots 418-426, 468-477)
Area 5 - Ashley Tschudin (Lots 427-436, 458-467)
Area 6- Phillip Inman (Lots 437-457)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Recipe for the Holidays!

Peppermint Cream Cheese Frosting
This recipe goes with Red Velvet Peppermint Cake

Yield: about 5 cups

1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 (2-pound) package powdered sugar
2 teaspoons peppermint extract*
Beat cream cheese and butter at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Gradually add sugar, beating at low speed until smooth. Add extract, beating until blended.

*2 teaspoons vanilla extract may be substituted.

For Quick Peppermint Frosting, stir together 3 (16-ounce) containers ready-to-spread cream cheese frosting and 2 teaspoons peppermint extract.

Southern Living, DECEMBER 1998

Monday, September 21, 2009

Neighbor - to - Neighbor

Reference: The Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings, July 31, 2009 Reply from Developer

1] There are lots owned by the Developer that are in need of maintenance, e.g., accumulation of surplus building material, old vehicle tires and wheels, construction debris, and weeds. The Sanctuary Club, Inc. will offer volunteer labor to assist in clean up should you want it. When can residents expect continued maintenance of these lots to be implemented in compliance with the covenants?
Developer agreed to develop a maintenance program to improve the lots appearance.

2] All of the houses are built to completion on Crossings View. Storm sewer drains remain plugged with unsightly silt barrier rolls and weeds. Water stays in the street in some locations long..........................

Click Here to see the rest of the Reply from the Developer

Letter and Attachment to the Sanctuary developer

Dear "Sancturary" Residents:

A cover letter and an itemized attacment to request information was sent to Mr. Denny Barrow on August 4th.

A copy of those documents are provided to you by The Sanctuary Club,Inc. as infomation. The letter is a simple, respectful request for information. Those questions asked by residents in our community have gone unanswered to date.

We are hopeful for a response that will be encouraging to us all andfor the mutual benefit of the developer and residents.

Click Here for the letter to Harbar Contruction

Click Here for the attachment to the Letter

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


WASHINGTON - Congressman Spencer Bachus (AL-6) will hold a town hall meeting on health care on Monday, August 17 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cahaba Grand Conference Center, 3660 Grandview Parkway, Birmingham.

Congressman Bachus said, "The debate over health care reform has been dominated by a select few officials in Washington operating largely behind closed doors with little public input. It's time to hear from the people. My constituents have repeatedly asked me how they can get honest information about legislation that will affect the quality of the health care they receive. A Town Hall is a uniquely American way for citizens to make their voices heard at the grass-roots level."

Doors to the event will open at 6:30 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.

WHO: Congressman Spencer Bachus

WHAT: Town Hall Meeting on Health Care

WHEN: Monday, August 17, 7:00 p.m.

WHERE: Cahaba Grand Conference Center, 3600 Grandview Parkway, Birmingham

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Subject: Special Committee report of findings, City of Hoover policy for repair of failure of street pavement, sidewalks and concrete gutters in The Sanctuary At Caldwell Crossings.

Confirmation of telephone conversation, Mr. Keith McKay and Thomas D. De Shazo.

Mr. Keith McKay, City of Hoover Public Works Department, explained prior to acceptance of dedication of the streets in a new Subdivision will require the Developer to remove, replace, and re-compact the failed areas of subgrade and asphaltic concrete base course and binder course material before the installation of the final asphaltic-concrete wearing surface, acceptance by the City, and dedication of the streets by the Developer to the City.

The Developer is going to be required by the City of Hoover to repair sections of broken concrete sidewalk, saw cut, remove and replace multiple cracked areas of concrete valley gutter within a ten foot section of gutter before acceptance by the City, and dedication of the streets by the Developer to the City.

When the subdivision is 95 percent built out, the City will request that the Developer complete street, sidewalk, and gutter repairs, and install the final asphaltic concrete pavement wearing surface. Until this time, the City will require the Developer to keep up necessary repairs of the streets by temporary patching.

The Sanctuary is now over 91 percent built out, ( including two homes under construction at high state of completion) and with the addition of one more home completion, will qualify for the City requirement for installation of the final pavement wearing surface.


As information to The Sanctuary Club members and all residents of the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings:

The Sanctuary Club President, Dan Murchison, has appointed a special committee to pursue resident questions and concerns with the Developer.

As you know, there was no annual board meeting in April between the Developer and the Sanctuary residential owners.

The meeting was anticipated per the Developer's by-laws which calls for the annual meeting, but sadly it did not come to pass. Therefore, a written "request for information" to the Developer is planned and expected to be sent in the near term.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Automobile Break-In

A resident of Crossings Glen was awakened at 3:00 A.M. on July 8, 2009, because of noise outside the house. When he went outside he spotted two teenage boys, approximately 16 to 17 years of age, standing by a neighbor's car with the door open and going through the interior. His sudden appearance surprised the two boys and they proceeded to run towards their truck. The truck is described as a black Toyota with mud flaps and chrome rims and a loud muffler. The vehicle was parked at the intersection of Crossings Drive and Crossings Lane. They exited Caldwell Crossings and headed towards Action Road.

They left behind a bag full of of items they had taken from other vehicles. The bag has been turned over to the Hoover police. It contained purses, cell phones among other items. If you know of anyone who may have suffered a loss, please tell them to check with the Hoover Police.

This incident serves as a warning. Please place your vehicle(s) in your garage. If you must leave your vehicle outside, be certain your doors are looked, your alarm is set, and no valuables are left inside.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hints on Lawn Care

Some folks are way ahead of me on this subject.
Here are some tidbits that were suggested to me that may be helpful to you.

Pre-emergents are products designed to interfere with weeds before you see them and are ineffective against anything you can see. Many pre-emergents remain effective for 10 to 12 weeks and should be watered in within a week of application. Always read the instructions.

Post-emergents are effective in attacking the weeds that are already actively growing. You can purchase them in a granular form but some folks recommend using liquids applied through a pump or hose end sprayer.

High nitrogen fertilizers are only effective when the lawn is actively growing (April-Sept.)

You may elect to treat for insect and disease as those problems present themselves; for the sake of the environment and your time and money.

It is very useful to determine an accurate estimation of your lawns' square footage by measuring the length and the width in feet and multiplying those numbers together for the total square footage before you go to your favorite lawn care store.

Some folks suggest getting your soil tested every 2 or 3 years. Soil test pamphlets can get you going. Free pamphlets are generally available at your lawn care store.

Lime can generally be applied any time of year and serves to neutralize pH and to build soil structure.10 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. is a good rule of thumb

Keep in mind that all grasses prefer at least 6 hours of direct sun and will need around one inch of water a week during the summer months.

In the event of extreme drought, understand that your established lawn can turn a dormant color of straw, this although not pretty is a recoverable condition with rain.

Remember: Safety First and consult your lawn care professional before deciding what is best for your lawn.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Neighborhood Watch Suggestions

Put a security sign in the yard.

Set alarms when you leave home.

Give a house key and security code to a neighbor.

Put jewelry in the safe.

Leave outside lights on until 9 or 10 p.m.

Record the serial numbers of your firearms and other important items.

Back up computer files.

Don’t leave valuables in cars parked in the driveway.

Post ‘no solicitation’ and ‘neighborhood watch’ signs in strategic places in the subdivision [handled by The Sanctuary Club]

Share your cell telephone numbers with your ‘block captains’ so you can be reached in special circumstances regarding your property.

Use a light timer for inside lights when you plan to be gone over night to assimilate an occupied house.

Apprise two or more neighbors when you plan to be away from home overnight.

Have someone pick up your newspaper and mail if you plan to be gone for a few days or more.

Contact any Sanctuary Club board member or block captain with neighborhood watch questions or suggestions.

Neighborhood security is a value – added benefit that improves with your participation.

Police and residents are partners; don’t hesitate to dial 911 when in doubt!
Don’t be embarrassed or afraid to call them, they want to help.

Check for the latest details posted by the neighborhood watch co-coordinator.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sanctuary Club Ice Cream Social ~ June 28th

The Sanctuary Club had its summer ice cream social on June 28, 2009 at the pavilion in Veterans Park.

Before the 3 to 5 p.m.fellowship was over, about 50 residents and some visitors had registered their attendance.

Ice cream, ice water and fans were on hand to cool down everyone.

Tom & Jean Halbrooks were door prize winners and received a quiet home electric fan from Bed, Bath & Beyond.

The second door prize went to Bob & Carleen Morin who won the $50 gift certificate to Carrabba's restaurant on Highway 280.

President Dan Murchison encouraged all residents to consider how we might make the Sanctuary the best residential community in Hoover. Suggestions may be made to Dan or any of the board members.

It was pointed out by some attendees that lightening had struck about 3 homes in the last 18 months in the Sanctuary and the adjoining community of Caldwell Crossings.

Suggestions were made by some folks to consider what might be done concerning lightning strikes and resulting fires. It seems some defensive measures might be worthy of investigation. The board agreed to seek help in the matter and hopefully discover reasonable solutions that may be suggested with respect to safety and prevention.

Teenager Charged After Pursuit

An 18-year-old Birmingham man arrested Monday after being pursued by Shelby County deputies and Hoover and Montevallo police has been charged with burglary, theft, possession of marijuana, and unlawful breaking and entering of a vehicle, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office said Tuesday.
Deputies were called to the 2600 block of Buttewoods Drive in North Shelby County Monday at about 1:10 p.m. after receiving a 911 call of a burglary in progress.
A man ran from the house and deputies, with help from Hoover police and a tracking dog from the Montevallo Police Department, searched the area.
Timothy McMillan III was later taken into custody without incident. Later Monday, after obtaining a search warrant, investigators searched a home in the 4800 block of Caldwell Mill Road. Deputies found “property related to recent burglaries in the area” as well as some marijuana plants.
McMillan was being held at the Shelby County Jail in Columbiana Tuesday night on bonds totaling $46,000.
Jeremy Gray

These pictures are from June 20, 2009. M. O. Buzz Williams, with daughter Amy, took a 10 mile canoe trip on the muddy pearl river just below the 33,000 acre Ross Barnett resevoir north of Jackson, Mississippi. If you look closely at the third picture, then you might see a seven - foot aligator swiming from left to right.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Neighborhood Watch: Jury Duty Scam!

This has been verified by the FBI (their link is also included below).It is spreading fast so be prepared should you get this call.

Most of us take those summonses for jury duty seriously, but enough people skip out on their civic duty, that a new and ominous kind of fraud has surfaced.

The caller claims to be a “jury coordinator.”

If you protest that you never received a summons for jury duty, the scammer asks you for your Social Security number and date of birth so he or she can verify the informationand cancel the arrest warrant.

Give out any of this information and bingo; your identity was just stolen!

The fraud has been reported so far in 11 states, including Oklahoma ,Illinois , and Colorado . This (swindle) is particularly insidious becausethey use intimidation over the phone to try to bully people into givinginformation by pretending they are with the court system.

The FBI and the federal court system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites,warning consumers about the fraud.

Check it out here:<>

And here:<>

Monday, June 15, 2009


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Veteran’s Park

1-5 PM

The Sanctuary Club has reserved the pavillion at Veteran’s Park in the Spain Park High School complex on Valleydale Road for an Ice Cream Social. This will be our “get to know your neighbor” ice cream social party. Please tell your neighbors, bring your families and pets, and let’s have a good turn out. We will serve ice cream at 3 pm. We will be asking for your input and suggestions as to how we can improve our neighborhood.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Get the latest data on the Sanctuary neighborhood activities and common community interests! “Stay informed” about happenings within the Sanctuary, log on at least once a week to the web site of The Sanctuary Club at

Feel free to have your neighborhood activities, e.g., garden club, Bible studies, social activities, vacation travel pictures, sanctuary wildlife photos, club functions or meetings, garden tips, outstanding recipes, etc., posted on the BlogSpot.

Share issues or other items of interest that may be helpful to your neighbors’ security, e.g., neighborhood watch. You may e-mail the details on any of the above items to or just call 980-0032 for M. O. Buzz or Carol Williams.

Regular features on the BlogSpot are:

Current local weather reports and three –day weather forecasts
Retiree items of interests
Ideas for community service
Suggestions for home and lawn expense reductions
Easy – listening music

As information, the BlogSpot also provides a current list of The Sanctuary Club Articles of Incorporation, By – Laws, a current list of board members, and neighborhood watch block captains.

Monday, June 1, 2009

It's Summertime!

Looking for ways to enjoy the summer while being outdoors? Here are some ideas!

Aldridge Botanical Gardens - Thursday, June 4:
See details for 'Three on a String' at

City Stages - June 19-21 in Downtown Birmingham:
See the lineup of musical artists at

Saturday Market at Pepper Place - Saturdays through October 10:
7am to Noon each Saturday

Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Gooslings at Lake Sanctuary!


Good news! "The Sanctuary Club" made a request to O'Neal Steel. It resulted in the O'Neal property facing Crossings View being transformed. The eyesore is gone and we are greatful to O'Neal Steel for their cooperation as a good neighbor. The old chain link fence gate, tall steel post, old creosoted wood fence posts and barbed wire have been removed.

Sincere thanks to Mr. Joe Handley of O'Neal Steel who came out with two Ironworkers and an equipment truck and made short work of the job. "The Sanctuary Club" members on hand to assist them were Henry Hager, Dan Murchison and Tom De Shazo. Thanks, men, for your efforts to improve our neighborhood!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Public Service

If you maintain your own landscaping this is the time for fertilizing your ornamentals.

LESCO recommends 14-14-14, one handful (single) for small plants, two handfuls for medium plants and three handfuls for large plants and trees.

"For Tifton Bermuda and Zoysia lawns, LESCO recommended Dimension 25-0-10 (pre-emergence) last month and PolyPlus 32-3-8 for the month of May.

Think green!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Community Service

This is a potential expense reduction idea for the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings residential community. We are on Birmingham Water and the Hoover Sewer Sytem, as you know.

If you have a separate water meter for your lawn irrigation system, then you can file for a "non-sewer water usage" credit periodically using a form that is available from Lisa Lindsey at 444-7523. Generally, the procedure is to fill out the form once every six months and fax it to 444-7650. Alternatively, you may want to send it by snail mail to:

Hoover Building Inspections
Sewer Credit
2020 Valleydale Road, Suite 103
Hoover, Alabama 35244

Monday, April 20, 2009

Community Service Information

Those who may be inteested in "Retirement Living " may be interested in these two events:

Danberry at Inverness is a retirement living community which is having a "Great All - American Cookout"
Wednesday, April 22, 2009, AD
11:00 am to 1:30 pm
RSVP (205) 981-6679
Location: 3660 Grandview Parkway, #100 Birmingham, Alabama 35243

Somerby at St. Vincent's One Nineteen is having a complimentary lunch and introduction to "Masterpiece Living."
Monday, April 27, 2009 AD
11:30 am to 1:00 pm
RSVP (205) 588-8247
Location: 200 One Nineteen Boulevard, Hoover, Alabama 35242

Neighborhood Watch Awareness

Auto burglaris in the metro area have recently soared to over 400 percent of the number normally reported in a typical period!

Police encourage these precautions:

1. If you have to park outside, lock laptop computers, cell phones, briefcases and other valuables in the trunk before parking your vehicle.

2. Remove GPS navigation systems, if at all possible, and lock them in the trunk before parking your vehicle. These items are big targets for burglars these days.

3. Don't leave spare vehicle keys in or on your vehicle. Burglas know just where to find them.

4. If you just have to park in your driveway, leave an outside light on. Better yet, make room for your vehicle in your garage and park it inside for better security.

5. Avoid parking on streets if possible.

6. Parking in commercial and hotel parking lots is asking for trouble. You should expect it! If you are stuck with this situation, at least park in a well - lit area.

7. Keep an eye open for suspecious activity around vehicles in your neighborhood. When in doubt, report the activity to the local police.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away....

We would love to post your pictures from your travels. Please send them to to have them posted on The Sanctuary blog!
You can find these beautiful pictures (submitted by Thomas De Shazo) and more in the links on the left of the page titled "Traveling with Sanctuary Neighbors".


Spring and pollen are both in the air and neighbors are preparing their lawns and gardens!

Some of our Sanctuary residential neighbors might not be aware of the Architectural Standards [A. S.] document that is referenced by the Covenants. The A. S. document goes into much detail on certain restrictions and architectural requirements for homes and landscaping and is adjunct to the Covenants.

Because we live in a covenant community, ["Sanctuary"] we residents should have a copy of the A. S. for our own reference. The purpose of the document in part is to clarify expectations within the context of protecting the individual owners and protecting the value of property within the whole neighborhood.

Most neighbors would agree, our common interests are best served when individual residents exercise their prerogatives within the framework of our responsibility to each other for sound and reasonable compliance to the A. S. document.

Further, copies of the A. S. document may be obtained at no cost to your by downloading from the McKay Management Company web page:

1. Click on "Communities"

2. Click on "Caldwell Sanctuary"

3. Click on "Owners Association documents"

4. Click on "ARC Guidelines"

You may also download the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Covenants if you also need copies.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Newspaper Rolls for Pets
We will be collecting newspapers to take home and roll for the Greater Birmingham Humane Society. These are used as puppy & kitty pads in the kennels at the Humane Society.

If you would like to participate, please drop your old newspapers on the Williams’ porch at 5429 Crossings Lake Circle.
Thank you,
Madison, William & Joey Crain
(Grandchildren of Buzz & Carol Williams)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jury Duty Scam!

This has been verified by the FBI (their link is also included below).Please pass this on to everyone in your email address book. It is spreadingfast so be prepared should you get this call.

Most of us take those summonses for jury duty seriously, but enough people skip out on their civic duty, that a new and ominous kind of fraud has surfaced.

The caller claims to be a jury coordinator. If you protest that you neverreceived a summons for jury duty, the Scammer asks you for your SocialSecurity number and date of birth so he or she can verify the informationand cancel the arrest warrant. Give out any of this information and bingo;your identity was just stolen!

The fraud has been reported so far in 11 states, including Oklahoma ,Illinois , and Colorado . This (swindle) is particularly insidious becausethey use intimidation over the phone to try to bully people into givinginformation by pretending they are with the court system.

The FBI and the federal court system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites, warning consumers about the fraud.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Neighbor to Neighbor......

Spring is in the air and residents in the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings are about to jump into planning what they will do for their landscaping and planting projects. Spring gives us all a great opportunity to enhance our neighborhood appearance.

As a friendly reminder, remember the Architectural Review Committee [ARC] is your first point of contact when considering landscape additions or changes.

Ref.: Caldwell Sanctuary Covenants and Restrictions 5.6 - Landscaping
No landscaping… of any nature shall be implemented… by any owner … unless and until landscaping plans… have been submitted to and approved by the ARC. Please feel free to contact Morgan King, McKay Management, 205-733-6700, if you have questions.

Keep Watching Neighbors!

Neighborhood Watch:

Folks, Let us be watchfull! A theft was reported of a large ceramic statue of a deer from the rear yard at 5220 Crossings Parkway sometimes Sunday, March 8, 2009. The statue was quite tall and heavy, weighing about 70 lbs, and was considered very good art work. I expect that it is fairly valuable. The incident was reported to the Hoover Police Department.

Tom De Shazo, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator - Caldwell Sanctuary

Monday, February 23, 2009

Neighborhood Watch Update: Car Break-ins

Last week ipods and credit cards were stolen from cars parked on the street and in private driveways in the Altadena area.

Another Neighborhood Watch is being organized for that area with the meeting to be held at Altadena Valley Presbyterian Church.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Santa Fe Soup

Great soup for cold weather!

Cook 2 pounds of ground turkey [or beef or venison] till the meet is brown.

Add to the meat: 1 onion chopped

And mix: 2 .5 ounces packages of Hidden Valley Ranch Style Dressing Mix

Add and simmer 2 1.25 ounce packages of Taco Seasoning Mix

For two hours: 1 16 ounce can of corn *
1 16 ounce black beans *
1 16 ounce pinto beans *
1 16 ounce diced tomatoes with green chilies
1 16 ounce tomato wedges *
2 cups of water or more as needed [*Undrained]

Garnish: Sour Cream, Shredded Cheddar Cheese, Sliced Green Onion or Chopped Onion

Serve: With Tortilla Chips

Carol Williams January 28, 2009 AD

Monday, January 12, 2009

Caldwell Sanctuary Neighborhood Watch Emergency Information Database

From: Tom De Shazo, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator


For our Neighborhood Watch organization to have this invaluable resource at it fingertips for use as quick response in notifying the police and fire department in case any of our residents are victimized by crimes of vandalism, burglary, theft, assault, and kidnapping, and in case of fires or medical emergencies.

Our goal for completion of the emergency information database is January 31, 2009. At this point Block 1 (Captain Marcus Lawrence), and Block 2 (Captain Bill Painter) have completed their emergency information records and submitted it to me for incorporation into our database. We have four additional Blocks yet to complete and submit the information. If you have not yet completed your “telephone tree form” and handed it to your Block Captain, please make it point to do so as soon as possible. If you don’t have a form, just ask your Captain for one, as they have plenty available.

Your Block Captains are:

Block 1 - Marcus Lawrence Lot 401 - 417
Block 2 - Bill Panter Lot 418 - 437
Block 3 - Phillip Inman Lot 438 - 458
Block 4 - Brent Overby Lot 459 - 477
Block 5 - Henry Hager Lot 478 - 495
Block 6 - Buzz Williams Lot 496 - 513

The emergency information included in the database will be:

Ø Names of residents and their children living in The Sanctuary
Ø Street address
Ø Name and telephone number of children’s school
Ø E-mail address of each resident
Ø Place of employment and work telephone number for each resident
Ø Vehicle make, model, year, color, license number and VIN number for each vehicle
Ø Miscellaneous, medical conditions, etc.


This is your neighborhood watch program. It will be only effective as WE make it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Great Safety Tip


If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies.

This is a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it! It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until you silence it or the battery runs down. It will work whether you park in your garage or in your driveway. Odds are the intruder will not stick around and after a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see what is going on.

Also remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm will work the same way there. This is also a good idea in the case of a medical emergency.

Please share this information with neighbors, friends and family.

Have a safe and Happy New Year!