Thursday, September 29, 2011

Director Training

Date: September 28, 2011

To: Residents of the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings

From: M. O. Buzz Williams, President, The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

Subject: Training Classes for Residents who may desire to serve as

Members of the new Board of Directors in Caldwell Sanctuary

All the signs from the developer of Caldwell Sanctuary appear positive. The developer has one pre-sale house (lot 401) and one spec. house (lot 403) under construction.

His other two remaining lots (lot 472 and lot 447) are anticipated to have houses built on them soon. Upon completion of construction and sale of the aforementioned four homes, we understand the developer plans to transfer control of the Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association [C.S.O.A.] to the homeowners.

All of this may take six months or even a year to accomplish, but, as you know, the time factor for actual completion is an unknown.

The developer apprised us the building of a home on the last lake-lot, which is owned by Legacy, Inc., is not the developer's concern, nor will it delay the transfer of C.S.O.A. to the residents.

Also, about 4 months ago Community Association Institute conducted a training course for Directors of various local homeowners associations and other interested residents.

Tom DeShazo, a member of the Audit Committee from The Sanctuary Club, Inc., at his own expense, was the only class attendee from our subdivision. The class material and lessons learned are considered invaluable for a community of residents about to assume control of a homeowners association.

Tom has subsequently developed ten training modules* that are essential tools for use by managing Directors in a homeowners association.

The class material can be covered in six hours. The training includes classroom power point presentations, and resource handouts. Those who may desire to serve our community on the C.S.O.A. board of directors at some future date, [after their election,] will find this training indispensable.

Whether any person wants to serve on the C.S.O.A. board, or just be informed on the complex issues of managing a homeowners association, or working on any board of directors, can expect not to be disappointed.

There will be a very nominal charge for the class to cover Tom’s cost for printing resource handouts. Tom will deliver the training either on two Saturday mornings or two Sunday afternoons, with about 3 hours of class work per session.

Any adult resident of the Sanctuary may attend a class by contacting Tom DeShazo by e-mail by October 6th. Please indicate your preference for Saturday or Sunday training. The dates, times, and locations for training are planned to be announced by October 10th. to those who have expressed an interest in attending the class.

* Caldwell Sanctuary Board of Directors Training Modules:

1] Home Owners Association Volunteer Leadership

2] Home Owners Association Organization

3] Fiduciary Duty of Directors & Committees

4] Home Owners Association Board Meetings

5] Home Owners Association Finances

6] Problem Solving for Directors

7] Hiring a Professional Team

8] Enforcement of Association Rules, Covenants, & Restrictions

9] Maintenance of Association Capital Property & Common Area

10] Risk Control & Insurance

The training syllabus is based on the Center for Community Association
Institute Center for Community Association Volunteers Publication,
"The Essentials of Community Association Volunteer Leadership.”

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Buzz Williams in the Carbondale, PA news


M.O. Buzz Williams (right) recently donated a copy of his book "Disciple Maker" to the Carbondale Public Library.  It was accepted by library director Marie Zaccone.  

By Tom Flannery

Carbondale, PA - As an Independent Reformed Presbyterian pastor, M.O. Buzz Williams has been concerned for many years about what he calls "a crisis of disobedience" within the Evangelical Church. Citing the Great Commission - the command that Jesus gave His followers in Matthew 28 to "go into all the world and preach the gospel to all people, making disciples of all those who believe" - Buzz said he sees little interest from fellow evangelical leaders in carrying out that divine decree.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Keep children safe! About 183 children are killed in driveways each year, often
times by their own parents.

Back-over accidents are not uncommon. About 7,000 children are injured in
back-over driveway accidents each year.

Please do not let children play in the driveway unattended! Require them to
stand in a "visible location" away from the driveway before you move the

The best defense is to look behind your vehicle just before you back up. This
means walk behind the vehicle.

Do not assume the child is in the house! Again, take time to walk behind the

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Congratulations Mayor Petelos!

Hoover Mayor Tony Petelos said Wednesday he plans to accept an offer to become Jefferson County's first professional manager.
Click title of this posting for the entire article.