Friday, January 14, 2011

The Sanctuary Club 2011 Budget

The diligent stewardship of our Directors enabled us to maintain the current annual dues at ten dollars per household. The $10 dues have stayed the same since the Club’s inception in 2007.

Approximately 98% of all households were Sanctuary Club members in 2010.

All Club member households continue to receive annually one updated Sanctuary Telephone Directory without charge. A new updated directory is anticipated in April, 2011.

Non-member households pay five dollars for their directory.

We anticipate another great Spring Ice Cream Social and a late-spring or early-summer BBQ for all Sanctuary residents. The actual dates are scheduled to be announced in March. Last year both events were well attended and gave everyone an opportunity to meet their new neighbors.

Please send your $10 check this week to renew or start your membership to The Sanctuary Club, Inc. Please do not send cash. Thank you for making our community a better place to live.

Checks should be sent to Judy Murchison at 5181 Crossings Parkway, Hoover, Alabama, 35242

The Sanctuary Club, Inc. Board of Directors approved the following budget for 2011.

2011 Budget Items                   Budget Amounts

Contingency                                        $100.00
Office Supplies                                        50.00
Postage                                                   20.00
Printing                                                    30.00
Social Event Supplies/Expenses              500.00
Sympathy Cards                                      20.00
Welcome Package Supplies                     25.00
Phonebook Printing                                280.00
Total Budget                                    $1025.00

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