Thursday, November 18, 2010


The Sanctuary Club held its annual members’ meeting at Spain Park High School last night. Over 40 residents were present on that cold, wet, and blustery night.


“How to protect your house and its contents from lightning” was well-presented by Henry Hager. A 12-point, typed-list of items for residents to consider was provided to attendees. A point-by-point explanation was given by Mr. Hager for the edification of residents and their safety.

A web address,, was also given for future reference of Sanctuary residents.

Congratulations to the five new Sanctuary Club Directors elected for a two-year term:

Buzz Williams 5429 Crossings Lake Circle

Lee Dykes 5109 Crossings Parkway

Mary Hayes 5433 Crossings Lake Circle

Mike Taylor 5192 Crossings Parkway

Tom Clark 5157 Crossings Parkway

An Amendment to The Sanctuary Club, Inc. By-Laws was approved by a quorum of members present:


Whereas, Article IV, Officers, Section 2., Election and Term of Office, of the Bylaws states that officers of the Board of Directors are to be elected by the Board for a term of two years; and

Whereas, certain Directors currently or subsequently serving on the Board may have only one year remaining in their term of office; and

Whereas, such limitations would preclude such Directors from election by the Board as officers of the Club; and

Whereas, such condition represents a conflict of intent in the Bylaws: therefore

Let it be Resolved, that Article IV, Section 2. of the Bylaws be amended as follows.

The Officers of the Club shall be elected by the Board at the first meeting of the Board in January after each annual meeting of the membership. The newly elected Officers shall take office immediately and shall serve a one year term.

President’s Annual Report

Dan Murchison, President of The Sanctuary Club, Inc. expressed appreciation to the Directors, Officers, and others who helped him establish and perpetuate the Club during its first two years. Dan gave a report on the accomplishments of the Club and set the tone for our future goals. Thank you, Dan, sincerely, for a job well done!
Dan’s term of office ends December 31st.

General Discussion:

Mr. Vernon Hydorn, President of the Caldwell Crossings Owners Association, was our guest and participated in a general discussion concerning covenant violations.

Door Prizes
The door prize winners each received a $10.00 gift certificate to Publix:
Mary Hayes
Judy Lazenby
Joy Phillips
Peggy Baker
Bari Roseman
Carleen Morin
Mike Taylor
Tom Halbrooks
Ben White
Tom Clark

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