Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Subject: Special Committee report of findings, City of Hoover policy for repair of failure of street pavement, sidewalks and concrete gutters in The Sanctuary At Caldwell Crossings.

Confirmation of telephone conversation, Mr. Keith McKay and Thomas D. De Shazo.

Mr. Keith McKay, City of Hoover Public Works Department, explained prior to acceptance of dedication of the streets in a new Subdivision will require the Developer to remove, replace, and re-compact the failed areas of subgrade and asphaltic concrete base course and binder course material before the installation of the final asphaltic-concrete wearing surface, acceptance by the City, and dedication of the streets by the Developer to the City.

The Developer is going to be required by the City of Hoover to repair sections of broken concrete sidewalk, saw cut, remove and replace multiple cracked areas of concrete valley gutter within a ten foot section of gutter before acceptance by the City, and dedication of the streets by the Developer to the City.

When the subdivision is 95 percent built out, the City will request that the Developer complete street, sidewalk, and gutter repairs, and install the final asphaltic concrete pavement wearing surface. Until this time, the City will require the Developer to keep up necessary repairs of the streets by temporary patching.

The Sanctuary is now over 91 percent built out, ( including two homes under construction at high state of completion) and with the addition of one more home completion, will qualify for the City requirement for installation of the final pavement wearing surface.


As information to The Sanctuary Club members and all residents of the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings:

The Sanctuary Club President, Dan Murchison, has appointed a special committee to pursue resident questions and concerns with the Developer.

As you know, there was no annual board meeting in April between the Developer and the Sanctuary residential owners.

The meeting was anticipated per the Developer's by-laws which calls for the annual meeting, but sadly it did not come to pass. Therefore, a written "request for information" to the Developer is planned and expected to be sent in the near term.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Automobile Break-In

A resident of Crossings Glen was awakened at 3:00 A.M. on July 8, 2009, because of noise outside the house. When he went outside he spotted two teenage boys, approximately 16 to 17 years of age, standing by a neighbor's car with the door open and going through the interior. His sudden appearance surprised the two boys and they proceeded to run towards their truck. The truck is described as a black Toyota with mud flaps and chrome rims and a loud muffler. The vehicle was parked at the intersection of Crossings Drive and Crossings Lane. They exited Caldwell Crossings and headed towards Action Road.

They left behind a bag full of of items they had taken from other vehicles. The bag has been turned over to the Hoover police. It contained purses, cell phones among other items. If you know of anyone who may have suffered a loss, please tell them to check with the Hoover Police.

This incident serves as a warning. Please place your vehicle(s) in your garage. If you must leave your vehicle outside, be certain your doors are looked, your alarm is set, and no valuables are left inside.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hints on Lawn Care

Some folks are way ahead of me on this subject.
Here are some tidbits that were suggested to me that may be helpful to you.

Pre-emergents are products designed to interfere with weeds before you see them and are ineffective against anything you can see. Many pre-emergents remain effective for 10 to 12 weeks and should be watered in within a week of application. Always read the instructions.

Post-emergents are effective in attacking the weeds that are already actively growing. You can purchase them in a granular form but some folks recommend using liquids applied through a pump or hose end sprayer.

High nitrogen fertilizers are only effective when the lawn is actively growing (April-Sept.)

You may elect to treat for insect and disease as those problems present themselves; for the sake of the environment and your time and money.

It is very useful to determine an accurate estimation of your lawns' square footage by measuring the length and the width in feet and multiplying those numbers together for the total square footage before you go to your favorite lawn care store.

Some folks suggest getting your soil tested every 2 or 3 years. Soil test pamphlets can get you going. Free pamphlets are generally available at your lawn care store.

Lime can generally be applied any time of year and serves to neutralize pH and to build soil structure.10 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. is a good rule of thumb

Keep in mind that all grasses prefer at least 6 hours of direct sun and will need around one inch of water a week during the summer months.

In the event of extreme drought, understand that your established lawn can turn a dormant color of straw, this although not pretty is a recoverable condition with rain.

Remember: Safety First and consult your lawn care professional before deciding what is best for your lawn.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Neighborhood Watch Suggestions

Put a security sign in the yard.

Set alarms when you leave home.

Give a house key and security code to a neighbor.

Put jewelry in the safe.

Leave outside lights on until 9 or 10 p.m.

Record the serial numbers of your firearms and other important items.

Back up computer files.

Don’t leave valuables in cars parked in the driveway.

Post ‘no solicitation’ and ‘neighborhood watch’ signs in strategic places in the subdivision [handled by The Sanctuary Club]

Share your cell telephone numbers with your ‘block captains’ so you can be reached in special circumstances regarding your property.

Use a light timer for inside lights when you plan to be gone over night to assimilate an occupied house.

Apprise two or more neighbors when you plan to be away from home overnight.

Have someone pick up your newspaper and mail if you plan to be gone for a few days or more.

Contact any Sanctuary Club board member or block captain with neighborhood watch questions or suggestions.

Neighborhood security is a value – added benefit that improves with your participation.

Police and residents are partners; don’t hesitate to dial 911 when in doubt!
Don’t be embarrassed or afraid to call them, they want to help.

Check www.thesanctuaryclub.blogspot.com for the latest details posted by the neighborhood watch co-coordinator.