Monday, January 12, 2009

Caldwell Sanctuary Neighborhood Watch Emergency Information Database

From: Tom De Shazo, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator


For our Neighborhood Watch organization to have this invaluable resource at it fingertips for use as quick response in notifying the police and fire department in case any of our residents are victimized by crimes of vandalism, burglary, theft, assault, and kidnapping, and in case of fires or medical emergencies.

Our goal for completion of the emergency information database is January 31, 2009. At this point Block 1 (Captain Marcus Lawrence), and Block 2 (Captain Bill Painter) have completed their emergency information records and submitted it to me for incorporation into our database. We have four additional Blocks yet to complete and submit the information. If you have not yet completed your “telephone tree form” and handed it to your Block Captain, please make it point to do so as soon as possible. If you don’t have a form, just ask your Captain for one, as they have plenty available.

Your Block Captains are:

Block 1 - Marcus Lawrence Lot 401 - 417
Block 2 - Bill Panter Lot 418 - 437
Block 3 - Phillip Inman Lot 438 - 458
Block 4 - Brent Overby Lot 459 - 477
Block 5 - Henry Hager Lot 478 - 495
Block 6 - Buzz Williams Lot 496 - 513

The emergency information included in the database will be:

Ø Names of residents and their children living in The Sanctuary
Ø Street address
Ø Name and telephone number of children’s school
Ø E-mail address of each resident
Ø Place of employment and work telephone number for each resident
Ø Vehicle make, model, year, color, license number and VIN number for each vehicle
Ø Miscellaneous, medical conditions, etc.


This is your neighborhood watch program. It will be only effective as WE make it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Great Safety Tip


If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies.

This is a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it! It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until you silence it or the battery runs down. It will work whether you park in your garage or in your driveway. Odds are the intruder will not stick around and after a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see what is going on.

Also remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm will work the same way there. This is also a good idea in the case of a medical emergency.

Please share this information with neighbors, friends and family.

Have a safe and Happy New Year!