Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Keep Watching!

We have a few people who are walkers during the day, especially in the mornings, who can keep an eye out for suspicious vehicles and people. I know that we have a few evening/night time walkers, and if you know any night time walkers here, please ask them to also keep their eyes open for suspicious vehicles and people, carry cell phones with them, and call 911 immediately if they should encounter either situation.

The same applies to any daytime walkers you know. We can use these as our crime prevention "foot patrols". The Hoover Police say to just make the call and let them worry about false alarms.

Also, anytime you are out in your vehicle at night, make it a point to make a "sweep patrol" of the entire subdivision before you put your vehicle in your garage. If you see any suspicious activity call 911 and report it.

The following are facts from a police report filed just recently on a theft in The Sanctuary:

Crossings View 5600 block, residence, November 29, 1-8am, one credit card, two debit cards, checkbook, business checks, wallet, driver's license, Social Security Administration card stolen.

Please NEVER leave anything of value inside your vehicle in plain sight. If you must leave valuables in your car, lock them in your trunk and lock the vehicle doors as well. Advise your visitors to do the same. If possible, park your vehicle inside your garage rather than on the street or in the driveway.

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