Friday, November 14, 2008

Lawn Care Water & Sewer Expense Reduction

The current cost of water passed through the Hoover sewer system is billed to residents at about $5.39 per 100 cubic feet. This is 268 percent of the cost of that same water as billed to residents by the Birmingham Water Works at about $2.01 per 100 cubic feet.

Perhaps some Sanctuary residents who have a lawn irrigation system installed are not aware that a credit can be filed with the City of Hoover for that non-sewer water use, providing you have a separate water meter installed on your irrigation system.

Those of you who do not have such separate water meters installed on your irrigation system may want to consider having a separate meter installed to take advantage of the cost savings available from filing for credit for non-sewer water used in irrigating your lawns and landscaping.

Application forms ‘non-sewer for water use credit’ are available from Lisa Lindsey, City of Hoover, and only require that you read, record and file by mail your irrigation system water usage at whatever interval is convenient for you; monthly, quarterly, or annually.

You can even file your water meter reading report by fax or e-mail at your option. The credit is then deducted from your current monthly water bill.

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