Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome to The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

The Sancturay Club, during the month of August has published and distributed Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and a Neighborhood Listing & Telephone Directory for their residents.

A temporary Board of Directors for this non - profit organization has been formed by the residents until "The Sanctuary Club" members nominate and elect their officers in November (see listing below).

A newsletter announcing the formation and purposes of the Club has been sent to all the residents to encourage membership and participation. The newsletter also stated that The Sanctuary Club will be giving priority to organizing a Neighborhood Watch very soon.

Important dates:

An ice cream social is planned. If you would like to find out more about "The Sanctuary Club," please join us for an ice cream social in the Crossings Parkway cul-de-sac on Sunday,
September 7 at 7:00 PM. The Board of Directors will be there to answer any questions.

To join The Sanctuary Club, we ask that residents in the Sanctuary please send $10 (annual fee per household) to The Sanctuary Club, Inc. at 5173 Crossings Parkway; Hoover, AL 35242.

Feel free to call your Area Director listed below to discuss "The Sanctuary Club."


AP Oldies said...

Great, well-done site! I especially love the music and that it starts out with "Glory, Glory to Ole Georgia" (LOL)!

Anonymous said...

Great job with the blog site. I love the music and especially that it starts with "Glory, Glory to Old Georgia" (LOL)!!!!