Thursday, October 11, 2012

Neighbor to Neighbor:

Fall is in the air! We can see it and experience the relief from the heat.  As information...

not actual coyote
Just last week, Ms. Barbara Kessler at 5165 Crossings Parkway reported that a deer apparently entered her back yard and was killed and eaten by a predator.  Perhaps the predator might have been a coyote, or bobcat.  There were no witnesses to confirm what it was, but however, a good deal of the carcass had been devoured.

We want to caution parents and grandparents to be mindful of any preschoolers playing outside your home in the sanctuary, that they have plenty of supervision, and that we all err on the side of caution for safety reasons. Thanksgiving is not far off and the holidays will be upon us.  Enjoy the season!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Barry Dean Roseman

     Barry Dean Roseman, 60, of Birmingham, passed away suddenly September 23.  Barry was born June 16,1952 to Frances and Arnold Roseman.  He graduated from B.U.S. and magna cum laude from the University of Texas with a degree in psychology.  He worked in the jewelry business and in the security industry.

      Barry was well traveled, having traveled to all 7 continents.  He had the happiest disposition in the world and his sense of humor was unparalleled.  He could relate to everyone whether they were 9 or 90 years old.  When his son joined the scouts, Barry became not just an active parent, but the Scoutmaster. Barry lived life as we all should---caring, loving, giving.  He passed from this life to the next, without fanfare, and with characteristic simplicity.

     Barry was predeceased by his father.  He is survived by his wife, Bari, his son Evan Roseman of Mt. View, California, his mother Frances, his brothers, Donald (Barbara) Roseman of Houston and Ronald Roseman (Liz Thomas) of Seattle and numerous nieces and nephews.

Funeral services were held at Temple Beth-El with the burial at Elmwood Cemetery.
Once a day, all day long
Once a night from dusk to dawn,
The only time I wish you weren't gone
Is once a day, every day, all day long.
I love you,

Friday, July 13, 2012

Neighbor - to - Neighbor

Scams Hit Alabama Utility Customers

Fraud - A scam that hit much of the country in June has now reached utility customers in Alabama, natural gas company Alagasco and the Better Business Bureau of Central Alabama reported.  

Scammers have been going door-to-door and using text messages, social media, and handbills to solicit personal data such as social security numbers.  The scammers claim that a grant program authorized by President Barack Obama will pay their utility bills, if they provide the personal data.

The Better Business Bureau of Central Alabama has received "dozens" of reports of the scam in greater Birmingham, an operator said.

The scam is believed to be in support of identity theft.

"In some cases, scammers have asked for social security numbers in order to allow for credits toward or to apply payments to customers' bills.  This scam represents an identity theft risk," Energen said in a prepared statement.

Utilities urged customers to call the police and the Better Business Bureau requested if they encouner the scam.  

[Reference Source:  Birmingham News, Saturday, July 7, 2012]

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Neighbor to Neighbor

June 12, 2012... I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for being such good friends and neighbors to me.

I will be closing on the sale of my home on Thursday and moving to Caldwell Crossings on Monday. Best of health and happiness to everyone.

Robin Hawk
4116 Crossings Lane

Monday, June 4, 2012

Neighbor-to-Neighbor - Sanctuary Lake Residents

Suddenly, the goose population has exploded on the lake! This is generally due to folks feeding the geese. Please do not feed the geese! The lake area is a natural area and supports a limited number of geese when residents do not feed them. The norm is generally 7 to 9 geese. Recently, the count expanded to almost 40 geese. Thank you for your help in this matter. Please take a minute to read the article below.

Excerpts from an article "How to control Geese," by Fran Prisco:

Each year thousands of Golf Courses, Parks, Green Belts, Back Yards, Baseball Fields and even cemeteries are inundated with messy, slippery Canada Goose droppings. Canada Geese have become a nuisance in many areas!

They thrive in the close protection and feeding opportunities they find in parks, near suburban wetlands, and on lawns or golf courses. Populations of urban Canada Geese are still growing. Flocks of non-migrating Canada geese have become established throughout Maryland and other Atlantic flyway states. In urban areas, Canada geese have responded to landscape features that provide expanses of short grass for food, lack of natural predators, absence of hunting, and hand feeding by some people.

Although most people find a few geese acceptable, problems develop as local flocks grow and the droppings become excessive (a goose produces a pound of droppings per day). Problems include over-grazed lawns, accumulations of droppings and feathers on play areas and walkways, nutrient loading in ponds, public health concerns at beaches and drinking water supplies, aggressive behavior by nesting birds, and safety hazards near roads and airports. Geese can also damage agricultural crops by excessive grazing.

Eliminating the food sources is a key to reducing the goose population. Geese eat grass, so make it unpalatable! The easiest way to do this is to spray your lawn with a product called Migrate available from Bird-B-Gone, Inc. It is a biodegradable, safe, EPA approved product that "flavors" the lawn so that the geese do not like the taste. The active ingredient in Migrate is MA (methyl anthranilate), which is a human-safe food flavoring derived from grapes so it is harmless to the geese, other animals and humans. It will not pollute ponds or lakes and is easy to apply. Additionally, if someone in your area is feeding the geese then there is little you can do to stop them.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Neighbor - to - Neighbor

Plant swap or sale in the Sanctuary ---

I have two very healthy climbing plants that have white small, fragrant blooms approx.6-8 ft. tall for sale or swap.  They can be seen at my front entrance at 5153 Crossings Pky. or call me at 204-410-2171 to discuss.

Neighbor - to - Neighbor:

This is a current list of The Sanctuary Club Area Directors, by lot numbers, and their telephone contact number ---

Area 1 – Marcus Lawrence......(205) 995-4666
(Lots 401-408, 499-513)

Area 2 – Lee Dykes ................(205) 981-2229
(Lots 409-417, 492-498)

Area 3 – Henry Hager..............(205) 408-0011
(Lots 478-491)

Area 4 – Buzz Williams ..........(205) 980-0032
(Lots 418-426, 468-477)

Area 5 – Mike Taylor..............(205) 408-7144
(Lots 427-436, 458-467)

Area 6 – Tom Clark………… (205) 995-5098 
(Lots 437-457)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Club Board Minutes - January 12, 2012

The Sanctuary Club, Inc.

Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2012

The Sanctuary Club held its first Board meeting for the year on Thursday, January 12, 2012, at 7:00 pm at the home of Buzz and Carol Williams. Buzz Williams welcomed everyone.

Buzz Williams called the meeting to order and Mike Taylor led the opening prayer.

Present were: Buzz Williams, Mike Taylor, Bill Panter, Tom Clark, Marcus Lawrence, Henry Hager, Lee Dykes, Robert Hull and Mary Hayes. Also present was Dan Murchison. A quorum was present.

It was noted that a copy of last quarter Board minutes had been e-mailed to all Directors. No corrections or changes had been noted. Henry Hager made a motion that the minutes be approved as written. Marcus Lawrence seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved as written.

Buzz Williams reviewed the minutes of the Annual Members Meeting held on November 15, 2011. Marcus Lawrence made a motion that the minutes be approved as written. Mike Taylor seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved as written.

Bill Panter nominated Henry Hager for President and Tom Clark as Vice-President. Robert Hull seconded the motion. Buzz Williams presented the slate of officers to be elected for the Board:

President – Henry Hager Vice-President – Tom Clark

Secretary – Mary Hayes Treasurer – Bill Panter

Bill Panter made a motion to nominate the officers as given. Bob Hull seconded the motion. The officers were unanimously elected as presented.

Bill Panter gave the Treasurer’s Report. He reviewed the November 15, 2011 report and the beginning report for 2012. He noted an .08 cent difference in the two reports due to an error that could not be found. It was minimal and to the favor of the club so it was added and noted in the report. The disbursements were reviewed. Discussion followed about the budgeted amount for socials. Marcus Lawrence made a motion to increase the Social Events Budget amount from $650 to $800. Mike Taylor seconded the motion. Marcus Lawrence made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Reports as given with the amended change to the Social Events line item 2012 budget amount. Lee Dykes seconded the motion. The 2012 budget was unanimously approved as given.

*Copy of both Treasurer’s Reports are included as part of these minutes.

General Discussions

Buzz Williams asked for reports from the Directors.

Buzz Williams gave the Club Membership Report on behalf of Henry Hager (who had laryngitis). To date 64 families have paid their dues for 2012. The Area Captains were asked to contact any of the residents in their areas that had not yet paid and urge them to make their payments by January 31. Bill Panter also noted for the residents to follow the same procedure of: 1) Payments to be checks made payable to the Sanctuary Club

2) Send those checks to Judy Murchison (who keeps a database on this information) and

3) Give to Bill Panter If this procedure could be followed in these three steps that would help to make the process and tracking easier.

Marcus Lawrence gave the Sanctuary Telephone Book Preparation Report. He noted that he and the others that worked on it last year were ready to begin work on it. Dan Murchison noted that they might want to consider updating the directory every 2 years instead of each year.

Neighborhood Watch Report was given by Robert Hull. He noted that Hoover has a Crime Alert System but it simply does not work. As of now, things are fairly quiet in the neighborhood. There had been a burglary on the main parkway the preceding Saturday evening. He noted the importance of documenting your possessions. He also noted that there are not any emergency storm shelters currently set up in Hoover/Shelby County. The suggestion was made and discussed that we could possibly have someone from the Hoover Police Dept. speak to us later this year and that this meeting would need to be limited to 55 minutes maximum.

Lee Dykes noted that a lot of cars were speeding through the neighborhood and suggested that we look into the possibility of the Sanctuary becoming a gated community. It was also suggested that speed bumps might help that and maybe having the Hoover police patrol the neighborhood more often. After some discussion, Lee Dykes made the motion to have a committee look at the feasibility of a gate at the entrance. Lee agreed to head this study. Henry Hager seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mike Taylor gave the Residential Bereavement & Illness Policy Proposal Report. Six area residents had met. From their meetings, one of the main points made was that some people may not want this done and there could possibly be some privacy/liability issues. The recommendation that they proposed was not to sanction a certain policy, but to allow the area neighbors, on a voluntary good neighbor type basis, to determine and handle as they saw fit. Mike Taylor made a motion that we accept this recommendation. Tom Clark seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. It was noted that several occasions where someone had lost a loved one, had surgery, etc had already taken place in the neighborhood and had been handled by close neighbors. It had been received and handled very positively. The neighborhood has been very caring and supportive of each other.

The Traffic Safety at Entry Way Report was given by Tom Clark. He presented an idea about having the middle lane better defined so as to have a functioning “s curve” marking in that lane to help better guide the flow of traffic. He will pursue this possibility with the proper authorities.

*Copy of Proposed diagram is included as part of these minutes.

Special Assistance to Residents Report was give by Buzz Williams on behalf of Henry Hager. It was noted that a lot of things were going on within our neighborhood where neighbors are helping neighbors.

Social Committee Suggestions Report was given by Lee Dykes. Lee and Mary Hayes will aim for 2 socials this year – the BBQ and ice cream socials as has been done in the past with dates that will work best.

Buzz Williams noted that there are 3 Standing Committees: Publicity/Internet Blog & Quarterly Newsletter; Audit McKay Management Budget; and Social Committee. There are also Special Committees which include Club Membership, Board Nominations (assigned in August), Sanctuary Telephone Directory, Neighborhood Watch, Special Assistance to Residents, Street & Sidewalk Maintenance & T/Box Alignment, and Holiday Decorations. The special committees function on an as needed basis.

Mike Taylor noted that if you are 65 or older, you are not required to pay the $15 North Shelby County Library dues. They do not notify you of this and there may be a form that you would need to fill out.

Buzz Williams noted that it might be this year when the CSOA would be turned over to the residents. A lot of work will have to be done at that time. By-laws and budgets and many other items would need to be looked at. We are fortunate that several people in our neighborhood have served on other Homeowner Associations and that we have established the Sanctuary Club which should help in this transition.

There being no further business, motion to adjourn was made by Lee Dykes. Robert Hull seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Hayes,

Attachments Included:
Sanctuary Club Agenda
Sanctuary Club Treasurer’s Reports
Possible Proposed “s curve” turn lane markings


Someone asked what could they do, or how could they help, to improve the great neighborhood that we have in the Sanctuary? What a great question, and it is reflective of the Golden Rule!

About 17 of our neighbors have already logged in hundreds of community service hours since the inception of the Club about four years ago. We are all grateful!

You too have the opportunity to work with the Sanctuary Club to make it a better neighborhood.

The Club has room for any resident who wants to donate his time, talent, and resources to serve the Sanctuary neighborhood for the purpose of improvement in the area of :

Annual Editing and Publishing of the Sanctuary Telephone Directory
Neighborhood Help Teams
Annual Club Membership Drive
Planning and Implementation of Social Activities
Neighborhood Watch Data Collection and Data Base Implementation
Publicity for Neighborhood Interests
Internet Bolgspot Editing
Treasurer's Audits
Review Committee for Governing Documents
Sidewalk and Street Improvement Committee
Club Secretary

If you want to make a difference, then here is your chance to "WORK" for the Sanctuary neighborhood to improve it.

If you are unable to help, then please encourage all of those who do the work for us. Lend your support to those workers, your neighbors, who in our opinion, have demonstrated loving kindness, thoughtfulness, and unselfish behavior. Our hats are off to those in the Sanctuary Club who have served us these past four years.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Neighbor to Neighbor:

(not actual cat)

Cynthia Hendricks, 5070 Caldwell Mill Road, just across the street from the Sanctuary, lost her cat.

The cat is a gray & white with an orange collar, and has been missing since Sunday night last.

Please call 995-1978 if you spot or apprehend the cat.  E-mail for Cynthia is

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Neighbor to Neighbor:

The following web sites for safe rooms is based on information picked up at the Birmingham Home and Garden Show.

The Sanctuary Club, Inc. is not endorsing any provider of products and/ or services.  
It is only provided for those interested in safe rooms.

Central Alabama Storm Shelters, LLC -
Jim Giles' Safe Rooms -
Storm Shield Tornado Shelter -
Great American Storm shelters -
Safe Place Storm Shelters -

The National Storm Shelter Association - has a list of qualified members with contact information.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Neighbor to Neighbor:

This is a reprint of data from a recent newsletter used by our neighbors at Caldwell Crossings:

We love our pets. They are members of our family. They provide companionship. They also place a burden on us to provide care for them and consideration for our neighbors. Pets, particularly dogs, need to be “walked.” How many of us know that the city of Hoover requires that dogs be leashed? 

Failure to leash your dog may result in a fine. Further the code requires that you cleanup after your pet. 
Here is an excerpt from that code:

Running at Large - Section 4-21 of the Municipal Code of the City of Hoover Alabama states:

a. "It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of an animal except cats and fowl to cause or permit such animal to run at large or be upon a street, sidewalk, thoroughfare or public place within the city or its police jurisdiction, unless such animal is attached to a leash in the hands of said owner or person in charge of said animal."

b. "The owner of a dog, and any other person or persons in custody or control thereof, shall cause to be removed any solid body excretions deposited by said dog on any property not owned by or in possession of the dog owner or the person or persons in custody and control of said dog at the time of said deposit."

In addition to this, the code deals with barking dogs

Barking Dog - Section 4-20 of the Municipal Code of the City of Hoover Alabama states:

"It shall be unlawful for any person to confine, harbor or keep at any place or on any premises within the city and the police jurisdiction thereof, any animal which habitually, continuously or intermittently makes or emits sounds or noises of such volume, nature or extent as to be a public nuisance by reason of being obnoxious or annoying to the ordinary persons in that neighborhood."

Here is a list of fines for violations:

Animal Control Fines:

Running At Large:
First Offense: $40.00
Second Offense: $75.00
Third Offense: Court Required

First Offense: $40.00
Second Offense: $75.00
Third Offense: Court Required

Barking Dog:
First Offense: $40.00
Second Offense: $75.00
Third Offense: Court Required

Interference with Animal Control Officer:

This is a court required offense. You must appear in court on a prescribed court date.

Vicious Animal:

This is a court required offense. You must appear in court on a prescribed court date

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Neighbor to Neighbor:

Subject: Break-in at Caldwell Crossings Section 1 & 2

During the past few days, homes have been broken into. Most recently a home on Caldwell Crest. It appears that the buglers come into the back of the house coming out of the woods and enter through a rear window. One home had an active alarm system but apparently it was not a deterrent. If the buglers broke the class and not the contact for the alarm, no alarm would sound. You might consider contacting your security firm to see if they offer glass breakage detection devices.

In the meantime we need to stay alert and watch for ourselves and our neighbors. Suspicious vehicles or people should be noted and perhaps reported to the policy. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Neighbor to Neighbor:

Neighborhood Watch Alert:

Thieves are on the scam!

Have you gotten a telephone call with a recording telling you, “Credit Card Services is offering lower interest rates to credit card holders, all you have to do is dial 1 and a service representative will be with be with you shortly?”

After you dial 1, a service representative comes on the line, and you ask what company they represent, the reply is they are, “Credit Card Services and we work with over 500 credit card companies.”

As recent as February 22, 2012, we talked with the AT&T Annoyance Call Service Bureau and the Federal Communications Commission [“FCC]”. We found out this is the “work of thieves!” It is a ruse or scam to get your credit card information!

They have no intention of helping you! They are thieves!

We thought we were able to track the telephone number used by these unscrupulous felons. It turned out to be, what the FCC calls, a “spoof telephone number.” In other words, the number identified on your home or cell telephone is really not the actual number used to originate the call.

Bottom line; do not give out your credit card number, or social security number to anyone who calls you on the telephone. No, not for any reason!

Also, you can go on line and register with the “National Do Not Call Registry” to prevent most telemarketers from calling your telephone number. Just remember the unscrupulous person or thief will ignore the law!

mow/ 2/23/12

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Neighbor to Neighbor

Lemon Yogurt Cake
2006, Barefoot Contessa at Home, All Rights Reserved

  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 cup plain whole-milk yogurt
  • 1 1/3 cups sugar, divided
  • 3 extra-large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons grated lemon zest (2 lemons)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

For the glaze: 
  • 1 cup confectioners' sugar
  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease an 8 1/2 by 4 1/4 by 2 1/2-inch loaf pan. Line the bottom with parchment paper. Grease and flour the pan.

Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt into 1 bowl. In another bowl, whisk together the yogurt, 1 cup sugar, the eggs, lemon zest, and vanilla. Slowly whisk the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. With a rubber spatula, fold the vegetable oil into the batter, making sure it's all incorporated. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about 50 minutes, or until a cake tester placed in the center of the loaf comes out clean.

Meanwhile, cook the 1/3 cup lemon juice and remaining 1/3 cup sugar in a small pan until the sugar dissolves and the mixture is clear. Set aside.

When the cake is done, allow it to cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Carefully place on a baking rack over a sheet pan. While the cake is still warm, pour the lemon-sugar mixture over the cake and allow it to soak in. Cool.

For the glaze, combine the confectioners' sugar and lemon juice and pour over the cake.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Neighbor - to - Neighbor:

Good to know...  

Someone pointed out that all homes built in the Sanctuary, it seems, were wired for alarm systems, so for those who did not opt for installation of system hardware at time of purchase of their home have the benefit of not having to pay for alarm system wiring, as it is probably already in place.  

The Sanctuary Club - Publicity Committee

Neighbor - to - Neighbor:

Educational Opportunity on Home Security:

We have an active Neighborhood Watch program in the Sanctuary at Caldwell
Crossings, as you know.  This is a conscientious neighborhood relative to safety.  
Our residents generally place a high value on privacy and home security.  

Several home owners in the Sanctuary residential community expressed a desire 
to hear and discuss home security services, options, and issues.   

Room 127, at Spain Park High School, has been reserved for a meeting on Monday, 
February 20, 2012, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., to facilitate such a meeting.

ADT Security Services, we understand from our Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, 
has volunteered to participate.  They plan to send a representative to this meeting to 
explain home security services.  

This meeting is not an endorsement of ADT or its products, but rather an informational 
meeting requested by residents in the interest of home security and safety.

All interested Sanctuary residents are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting for 
informational purposes. 

Sanctuary Club Publicity Committee: mow / 02/09/2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Neighbor - to - Neighbor

As information...

Congratulations and thank you to the Club Board for your service to our community!
The Sanctuary Club Board of Directors elected the following officers for 2012:

Henry Hager, President
Tom Clark, Vice President
Bill Panter, Treasurer & Chairman - Audit Committee 
Mary Hayes, Secretary
Robert Hull, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator


Lee Dykes  
Marcus Lawrence
Mike Taylor 
Buzz Williams

The Sanctuary Club budget for 2012 was presented by Bill Panter and approved by the Board of Directors on January 12, 2012.

Neighbor – to – Neighbor

A Helpful clarification…

We learned this week some confusion exists, among a few Sanctuary residents, concerning The Sanctuary Club’s position on reporting and / or enforcement of covenant violations. 

Clearly, residents, of their own volition, may choose to report covenant violations to McKay Management, Inc.  However, reporting and enforcement of those violations shall not be a function of the Club Board of Directors.   

Additionally, Club Board members do not cruise the neighborhood looking for covenant violations.  However, some Club Board members routinely participate in a drive through as a function of Neighborhood Watch.  These two functions are very different and distinct, and therefore should not be confused.

Questions relative to Neighborhood Watch may be directed to your Club Area Director.  See page 5 of your Sanctuary Telephone Book for a list of Area Directors.

Questions relative to specific violations of Covenants and Restrictions should be directed to Brittany Newell, 205-733-6700, McKay Management, Inc.  

[See and click on C.S.O.A. for details on Covenants and Restrictions.]


Monday, January 30, 2012

Neighbor - to - Neighbor

Happy New Year from The Sanctuary Club Board of Directors!

Friendly reminder for Sanctuary residents...

Area Directors have a target date of January 31 to personally contact all residents in their respective areas to elicit dues payments of $10 for annual club membership renewal in support of the Sanctuary Neighborhood Telephone Directory and annual BBQ expenses. 

At the outset, we have 75 paid members already for 2012!  What a great, enthusiastic response!

As you know, payment by check rather than cash is preferred. Area Directors will turn the checks over to Judy Murchison who will record the payment and forward collections to our Club Treasurer, Bill Panter.

Residents may want to update their Neighborhood Watch ["N. W."] data at the time of a visit from Area Directors, or you can contact your Area Director [See list below] with any change request.  Data change requests, received by Area Directors, are given over to Robert Hull, Director - N. W. Coordinator, who maintains the N.W. Data Base.

Thanks for your continued support of The Sanctuary Club!  You make The Sanctuary Club what it is today. 

Buzz Williams, Publicity Committee Chairman

The 2012 Board of Directors of The Sanctuary Club

      Henry Hager, President
      Tom Clark, Vice President
      Bill Panter, Treasurer
      Mary Hayes, Secretary
      Robert Hull, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Area Directors: 

Area 1 - Marcus Lawrence (Lots 401-408, 499-513)
Area 2 - Lee Dykes (Lots 409-417, 492-498)
Area 3 - Henry Hager (Lots 478-491)
Area 4 - Buzz Williams (Lots 418-426, 468-477)
Area 5 - Mike Taylor (Lots 427-436, 458-467)
Area 6 - Tom Clark (Lots 437-457)


Friday, January 20, 2012

Neighbor - to - Neighbor:

A Small Chihuahua looking dog has been found in The Sanctuary

Barbara Hodgekiss found it on Crossings Lake Circle. Mary Hayes saw the dog also and said there actually two of them. Very tiny.

The story is that Judy Long on Crossings Lake Circle was taking a morning walk and they started to follow her as she walked back up the Parkway on the right hand side. She tried to run them back but they kept following her apparently to Crossings Lake Circle.If you know who they may belong to, please call Barbara Hodgekiss at 991-9890 or Judy Murchison at 408-7445.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Neighborhood Watch - Burglary!

A resident of the Sanctuary returned home around 10PM Saturday night, January 7, after being at work all day.  As the resident approached the house there were lights on, which is not normal, but thought the spouse may have come home earlier than expected. 

Things in the house were in disarray missing items included jewelry, computer, iPad , other electronics and cash. The entry occurred through the rear living room window. It is not certain whether the window was locked, but the screen was removed and the window raised. 

There was not an alarm. The burglary appears to have occurred between 7:30 and 10 PM. The police were called and a report filed.

Monday, January 9, 2012


White male Dog (Bichon - maybe) Found in Caldwell Crossings

We received word from a good neighbor in Caldwell Crossings that she has found a white male - looks like a Bichon in her yard. The dog has on a red sweater vest and is wearing a collar but no tags. He was found on Crossings Cove. If you have lost your dog or maybe know who this dog belongs to please call Becki Bennett at 821-3075 or Judy Murchison 408-7445 Thank you