Monday, May 16, 2011


During a Special Called meeting of the Club Board of Directors on May 15, 2011, at the Barn Pavilion in Veterans Park, and with a quorum of the membership present, and a majority voting in favor of the stated Amendment to Article II, Section 1, Membership, the amendment passed as stated herein:

"The membership of the Club shall be open to all homeowners residing in any home within Caldwell Sanctuary. Lessees may become an associate member with non-voting rights but with other membership benefits. This shall be contingent on the payment of all due annual assessments of Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association, Inc. by the owners of such property within Caldwell Sanctuary."
The Sanctuary Club, Inc.
Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2011

The Sanctuary Club held its second meeting for the year on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 7:00 pm at the home of Buzz and Carol Williams. Buzz Williams welcomed everyone.

Tom Clark led the opening prayer.

Present were: Buzz Williams, Marcus Lawrence, Henry Hager, Lee Dykes, Mike Taylor, Robert Hull, Tom Clark and Mary Hayes. Bill Panter was absent. A quorum was present.

Buzz Williams called the meeting to order.

Mary Hayes noted that a copy of last quarter Board minutes had been e-mailed to all Directors on January 24, 2011. No corrections or changes had been noted. The minutes were unanimously approved as written.

Buzz Williams gave the Treasurer's Report in the absence of Bill Panter. The disbursements were discussed. In conjunction with the budget, sympathy cards for the Directors to give to their respective area neighborhood groups were passed out. Judy Murchison was reimbursed for the expense of having the cards printed. Mike Taylor then brought to the attention of the area directors that we needed some guidance as to how to handle bereavement issues with regard to the death or sickness of a resident in our neighborhood. After some discussion it was decided that Mike Taylor would talk with a few other people in the neighborhood and bring a proposal for our next meeting as to what policy the Directors could develop for the future to pass the word to area neighbors and what we might establish as a guideline as to what would be done ... whether a card, food, or flowers. Henry Hager made a motion to approve the budget. Lee Dykes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Old Business

Buzz Williams asked for reports from the Directors.

Henry Hager gave the Club Membership Committee Report. He stated that the membership is 95 out of 103 lots. It was discussed and decided to grant Naseem Ajlouny membership to the Sanctuary Club, Inc. even though he had not paid his dues. He graciously provides the barbecue, at a discounted price, for the annual Sanctuary Club BBQ each year.

Buzz Williams gave the Audit Committee Report on behalf of Bill Panter. Dan Murchison, Tom Deshazo, and Buzz Williams (who represented Bill Panter in his absence) met to review the budget for Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association. CSOA is a not for profit corporation which operates for the benefit of the residents. There is a $15,000 cash reserve in the account. Vern Hydorn from the Caldwell Homeowners Association for the first and second sectors reported that they had a $100,000 reserve in their account. Brittany Newell at McKay Management was asked to consider coming down on the assessment next year. Brittany brought the issue to Earl Gibson who said that it would stay as is for now. It was also noted that there is a 2 million-liability insurance on the pond. The question was brought up whether there is any insurance on the common wall; and would the expense of repair on the wall fall on the area residents should it need repair.

Lee Dykes gave the Social Committee Report. The Sanctuary annual BBQ picnic will be held Sunday, May 15, 1-5 pm. It was decided to have the picnic first this year and the ice cream social in August or September. It will be held at the Hoover pavilion. In order to reserve the pavilion, you must wait until 3 months before the date you need reserved to make the reservation. The flyer was presented for approval.

It was suggested to add the menu for adults and children and to add a RSVP date. The general consensus was for the area directors to distribute the flyers door to door and to leave them in the mailbox if no one is at home. Three weeks before the picnic date, Judy Murchison will send out a mass e- mail of the flyer. Two weeks before the picnic, area directors to deliver the flyers to area residents. There will be a sign-in book by the entrance of the BBQ for residents to sign in and to register for a "mystery prize". The drawing will be held that day and the prize will be some type of plant.

Marcus Lawrence gave the Sanctuary Telephone Book Committee Report. Marcus Lawrence, Judy Murchison, Carol Williams and Sandra Hager all worked on the new directory. Pete's Printing on Hwy 31 did the printing and assembly of the books. It was noted that the new design for the front cover was very nice and was a good rendering of the front entrance sign to the Sanctuary. Marcus also noted that they were able to come in under budget and felt that Pete's Printing had done a good job.

Robert Hull gave the Neighborhood Watch Report. Robert noted that we are listed with the Crime Alert Department at the Hoover police Department - the Inverness and Heatherwood areas. We are supposed to receive automatic notifications via e-mail of crime reports. Robert noted that he had not received any reports for 2 months. He also reported on the number of changes that had been turned in for each area.

Mike Taylor gave the Special-Assistance-to-Residents Activity Report. He noted that he and Tom Clark responded to an area resident with 3 needs. Tom Clark closed an open window in her attic. She also had a problem with a toilet and had bricks that were turning white underneath a mat. Henry Hager suggested pouring vinegar on the bricks. Buzz Williams and several others noted that they also had problems with a seal in the toilet. There is a video on line that addresses that problem.

Tom Clark gave the Street and Sidewalk Maintenance and Terminal Box Alignment Report. There are places that still need to be cut and repaired along the streets and in the sidewalks. Tom will check with the city of Hoover about those repairs. He needs to have a punch list of addresses that need attention. Tom had also composed a list of terminal boxes that still needed alignment, but had misplaced the list. He will send something to Buzz by the end of May.

Henry Hager gave the Lightning Protection System/Request to McKay Mgmt. Report. Henry sent a request to the ARC for an approval for a generic lightning protection system installation. Henry provided a drawing, copy of lEE report, lightning strike data that stated lightning strikes normally occur in the order of 1) Power poles 2) AC unit or satellite 3) Trees 4) House. The ARC has reviewed the information and has requested a picture of an installation before providing an answer.

Tom Clark gave the Entry Way Lighting Expansion & U-Verse Availability Report. Tom had spoken with Brett Hamrick of Alabama Power Company. Options include a 16-foot Boom with Cobra light off an existing pole. Cost $35 a month, with a 2-year contract commitment, or, an Acorn type light with possible new pole. Cost would be $50 a month for acorn type and requires a 5-year commitment. If the new pole is put on center median, it could easily be hit. If it were put on the left then a tunnel would have to be dug under the road and would be more expensive.

U-Verse: The Sanctuary is located in Phase 3 Sub out of Riverchase Central Office. We are over 5 miles from Riverchase. Sanctuary residents need to go on line to the AT&T website and register their name that they would like to have U-Verse. Possibly Judy Murchison could send out a mass e-mail letting area residents know to do that and to research information about U-verse on that web site.

Mike Taylor gave the Traffic-Light-at-the-Entryway Report. Mike had spoken to Earl Gibson and Earl had advised that we not pursue the need of a traffic light by solely addressing a safety issue. Apparently the ALDOT has specifications for overcoming speeding and there is plenty of room to stop and see on-coming traffic. Mike requested help on how to best pursue the issue. Buzz suggested that Mike meet with Dan Murchison and Bob Dyck and see if they could come up with any new suggestions of how to best pursue the issue.

Buzz Williams gave the Publicity Committee Report. The Sanctuary Blog Spot had undergone a facelift. Color and format are different. With the approval from McKay Management, the CSOA's By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation and Covenants and Restrictions can now be accessed on the blog spot. A special thank you to Buzz's daughter for incorporating the information and new color and format.

New Business

Henry Hager presented a Proposed Amendment of Club By-Laws. Discussion followed about the wording and concern of including a non-homeowner as the same type of member as a homeowner. Only one vote per household is allowed and a lessee is not contributing to the association's annual dues. Motion to Amend the By-Laws of the Sanctuary Club was reworded to read:

The membership of the Club shall be open to all homeowners residing in any home within Caldwell Sanctuary. Lessees may become an associate member with non-voting rights but with other membership benefits. This shall be contingent on the payment of all due annual assessments of Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association, Inc. by the owners of such property within Caldwell Sanctuary.

A copy of the ballot is attached. Henry Hager made a motion that the Amendment to the Bylaws be approved and accepted as written. Mike Taylor seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Henry Hager made a motion to have a special meeting to vote on the Amendment of Club By-Laws in conjunction with the Annual Barbecue on May 15th. Robert Hull seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Mary Hayes was directed to provide the membership voter ballot for the Sanctuary residents to vote at the May 15th Barbecue.

Buzz Williams gave an update on Highway Road Expansion Plans [Expected 2014] Report in the absence of Dan Murchison. There was no change from the previous report in January.

There was no further business. Motion to adjourn was made by Lee Dykes. Henry Hager seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Hayes, Secretary

Friday, May 6, 2011


Club members will have an opportunity to vote on the establishment of associate Club membership, with non-voting rights, for residents who lease or rent in the Sanctuary.

Voting will be held during the BBQ. on May 15th. at 1:30 p.m. in the Barn Pavilion at Veterans Park.

The Sanctuary Club, Inc. exists as a neighborhood entity that is limited to social, informational, educational, and security endeavors.

The Club is separate and distinct from Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association, as you know, which is presently under the exclusive control of the developer.

The "other benefits" an associate non-voting Club member would be entitled to, if authorized by the Club membership, is limited to participation on service committees, neighborhood watch, environmental and aesthetic endeavors, and social functions.

At such a time when control of C.S.O.A. is passed from the developer to the residents, the Club will become obsolete.

C.S.O.A., it is anticipated, will take up those functions that previously belonged to the Club. Membership and associate membership in the Club will not transfer to C.S.O.A., per se'.