Thursday, December 16, 2010


Good neighbors are priceless and make for a great neighborhood!

Case in point, Steve Hall pointed out, during the annual meeting of The Sanctuary Club, that our street lights were not properly adjusted. The lights were not properly focused to the appropriate areas. Steve was asked to "take charge" and pursue the problem and find a solution. He wouldn't tell you this, but Steve contacted the appropriate folks and saw to it that the issue was resolved.

Driving through the Sanctuary this evening, I could see the lighting was more focused and makes a significant difference.

Thanks, Steve! Your neighbors appreciate your effort on our behalf.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all of our good neighbors!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Sanctuary Club, Inc. – 2011 Membership Drive

Seasons Greetings, good Neighbors! We invite you to renew your membership for 2011. New residents are also are encouraged to join! We believe membership and participation in The Sanctuary Club is a great way to make the Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings an excellent place to live. The Sanctuary Club was formed in the fall of 2007 and has as its purpose communication of neighborhood information, friendship, security and social opportunities. The Club promotes co-operative work to enhance the beauty and preservation of the appearance, value and amenities of our community. We ask you to remit $10.00 per household by January 15 for membership in The Sanctuary Club, Inc. Please send your check to 5181 Crossings Parkway Hoover, AL 35242.

The Sanctuary Club is exclusive to Sanctuary owner – residents and:

· Publishes a neighborhood telephone directory by resident name. It also contains a companion cross reference section that numerically identifies each lot and corresponding resident name. A new telephone directory is planned for first quarter 2011. Each Club member receives their directory free. Non-members pay $5.00.

· Distributes a Quarterly Newsletters with information about our neighborhood, community and favorite recipes. They are planned for Feb., May, Aug., and Nov., 2011.

· Plans to update our Neighborhood Watch data base with the Hoover Police Department for the security of residents by March 2011.

· Maintains low-cost annual membership fees to cover basic expenses.

· Continues to communicate items of interests on a regular basis via The Sanctuary Club internet blog. Log on to

· Provides a Volunteer Home Assistance program to help residents diagnose/solve problems. Feel free to contact your area Director listed below with questions.

· Continues to encourage participation of residents on standing and special committees.

· Plans and coordinates the annual spring ice cream social and summer BBQ.

The Sanctuary Club is reaching out to you with opportunities for your participation on the following committees that might be of interest to you: Neighborhood Telephone Directory, Volunteer Home Assistance, Social Activities, Quarterly Newsletter, Neighborhood Watch, Membership, Publicity, Neighborhood Esthetics, and Special Projects. We hope that you take advantage of and participate on a committee that is of particular interest to you. The Sanctuary Club Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws are available for your perusal at Please contact any of the board members (listed below) with questions you may have. We truly believe that membership and participation in this club will enhance your enjoyment of our neighborhood. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah!

The Board of Directors of The Sanctuary Club

              Dan Murchison President
              Buzz Williams Vice President
              Ashby Watkins Treasurer
Area 1 - Marcus Lawrence (Lots 401-408, 499-513)
Area 2 - Robert Hull (Lots 409-417, 492-498)
Area 3 - Henry Hager (Lots 478-491)
Area 4 - Bill Panter (Lots 418-426, 468-477)
Area 5 - Ashley Tschudin (Lots 427-436, 458-467)
Area 6 - Phillip Inman (Lots 437-457)