Monday, October 18, 2010

By-Laws Amendment


Directors will continue to be elected for two-year terms. The Directors will elect their Officers after each annual meeting of the membership for a one-year term.  A Director who is elected for two years and also elected as an Officer will serve for one year as an Officer.  He / she may be elected again as an Officer in their second year by a vote of the Board. 

The Board of Directors approved the following language for its Officers to serve a one-year term instead of two years. 

Approved October 14, 2010 by the Board of Directors

Article IV    Officers / Section 2

The Officers of the Club shall be elected by the Board at the first meeting of the Board in January after each annual meeting of the membership. 
The newly elected Officers shall take office immediately and shall serve a one year term.


       Its getting dark earlier as you know.  Your safety when walking in the road in the Sanctuary around evening or early morning is in jeopardy if a driver cannot see you!  Please be mindful for your own safety and carry a flashlight or wear reflectors if you have them.  Some children wear reflectors on their shoes and sneakers and that's great.  It's just plain healthy to walk in safety.  Be aware drivers do not always anticipate folks walking in the road!  If you can help it, walk on the side walks were possible.  Walk safely and "Play it safe!"


       Your neighborhood watch for the Sanctuary is raising a red flag!  When at home, please consider not leaving your car outside and unlocked if at all possible.  Many of you may know by now that a burglary of an unlocked automobile has occurred in our subdivision.  It's a sad commentary on our society.  The United States is not what it was years ago.  But that's another issue.  If you see strangers roaming the neighborhood, feel free to call 911 and your police department will not hesitate to check out the situation for you.  The police rely upon residents to give them a heads-up on suspicious characters.  It's nothing to be embarrassed about and you've handed it off to the police.  When in doubt, call 911.