Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alert Notice:

A large coyote carrying a black cat in its mouth was seen running into the woods near the entrance to Wingate by one of our residents while walking around 6AM a week or so ago. As a cat owner, we are concerned about the survival of our cat (even in our fenced yard) and the safety of other small animals. I read recently about a woman jogger who was killed by two coyotes somewhere up north. It seems that there has been some cross breeding between wolves and coyotes and the result is a bigger more aggressive coyote. Pat Bruno( the first house on the right in Wingate) has also seen coyotes in his yard. He is calling the Shelby County animal control office to see if they have an eradication program for coyotes. Due to the extreme heat and drought conditions the wild animals seem to be having difficulty in finding food and water and are more aggressive in their pursuit. While feeding wild animals is fun and a noble thing to do, we must be careful not to endanger pets and children by feeding them near residential areas.

We need to watch closely small children and pets. Please report any sightings of coyotes within the Sanctuary so we can keep tab on their numbers.
Thanks, Dan Murchison-408-7445


Saturday afternoon last, this red-tailed hawk scooped up a fish dinner from Lake Sanctuary. The big bird may have up to a 4 1/2 foot wing span according to ornithologists. This hawk is a frequent visitor to the Sanctuary and is an effective threat to all manner of rodents.