Thursday, January 28, 2010


Spring will burst forth before we know it! Some folks are already painting mail boxes, checking out the lawn mower, cleaning out bird feeders and otherwise preparing for spring.

Did you know The Sanctuary "blog" is a communal tool whose purpose is to help our residents?
If you have a recipe you would like to share, a social club meeting or Bible study you would like to advertise, some helpful hint, or even an item to sell, then send an e-mail to Buzz at

Should you have some ideas for our upcoming "spring social" drop an e-mail to Buzz and he will communicate your idea to the social committee or you may contact your area Director with your ideas.

Marcus Lawrence Area 1 Director (Lots 401 - 408, 499-513) - - 995-4666
Robert Hull Area 2 Director (Lots 409-417, 492-498) - - 437-8101
Henry Hager Area 3 Director (Lots 478 - 491) - - 408-0011
Bill Panter Area 4 Director (Lots 418 - 426, 468-477) - - 980-1738
Ashley Tschudin Area 5 Director (Lots 427 - 436, 458-467) - - 422-1582
Phillip Inman Area 6 Director (Lots 437 - 457) - - 980-8196

Remember to periodically check The Sancturay Club blog spot at to stay current on "what's happening."


It's tax time! The following blurb is from Money Central. This posting is not an endorsement but it is intended to help us think about what kind of tax preparation assistance we may or may not need:

Schedule M could be worth $400. Anybody who earned wages needs to file this form, or risk paying too much in taxes.

Posted by Jeff Schnepper, Money Central, on Monday, January 25, 2010 10:45 AM
You’d better use a good computer tax preparation program this year, or at least have a really good tax preparer. Otherwise, you’re gonna leave a big green bundle on the table. There’s a new Schedule M that anybody with wages should file. It allows you to claim the “Making Work Pay” credit of up to $400 ($800 on a joint return). That’s another $400 (or $800 for couples) right back in your pocket.

The Sanctuary Club Treasurer's Report & 2010 Budget

>Click Here for the Treasurer's Report & Budget

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Being a good neighbor has a lot to do with having consideration for others.
The following is intended to be helpful, educational information for all of us:

Parking on the Streets in the Sanctuary
Parking on the streets can be a traffic safety hazard within our community. It is a deterrent to the expedient passage of emergency medical and fire-fighting equipment. Habitual parking on the streets by Sanctuary residents also detracts from the beauty, appearance, and property value for your home and mine.

Please be advised that parking on the streets is prohibited by the Covenants of Caldwell Sanctuary Owners Association, Inc. specifically by Section 4, Architectural Review Committee Standards.

Parking on the streets is also prohibited by the City of Hoover Municipal Code:
Sec. 9-104. Designated areas.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle:

(1) Upon any portion of any paved roadway in the city having a width of twenty-four (24) feet or less. (Note: All streets in the Sanctuary are less than 24 foot wide).

(4) In the space between the pavement and the property line on any paved roadway or
street within the city. (Concrete valley gutter, grass median, and concrete sidewalk is included.)
Sec. 9-121. Parking time limits.
No motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, as defined in Code of Ala. 1975, section 32-1-1.1, may
be parked or left standing upon any public way in the city or its police jurisdiction for a continuous
uninterrupted period of twelve (12) hours.

No motor vehicle, tractor, trailer or semitrailer with an overall length of fourteen (14) feet or more shall be parked or left standing upon any public street or way in any residential zoned area in the city or its police jurisdiction for a continuous uninterrupted period of more than two (2) hours.

Violations of the City Code may be enforced by the Police Department by towing to and impounding in garages designated by the City.
Our covenants require garages for all homes with the intent that all vehicles be parked inside the garages. Residents are encouraged to park vehicles inside the garages instead of on the streets.