Monday, September 21, 2009

Neighbor - to - Neighbor

Reference: The Sanctuary at Caldwell Crossings, July 31, 2009 Reply from Developer

1] There are lots owned by the Developer that are in need of maintenance, e.g., accumulation of surplus building material, old vehicle tires and wheels, construction debris, and weeds. The Sanctuary Club, Inc. will offer volunteer labor to assist in clean up should you want it. When can residents expect continued maintenance of these lots to be implemented in compliance with the covenants?
Developer agreed to develop a maintenance program to improve the lots appearance.

2] All of the houses are built to completion on Crossings View. Storm sewer drains remain plugged with unsightly silt barrier rolls and weeds. Water stays in the street in some locations long..........................

Click Here to see the rest of the Reply from the Developer

Letter and Attachment to the Sanctuary developer

Dear "Sancturary" Residents:

A cover letter and an itemized attacment to request information was sent to Mr. Denny Barrow on August 4th.

A copy of those documents are provided to you by The Sanctuary Club,Inc. as infomation. The letter is a simple, respectful request for information. Those questions asked by residents in our community have gone unanswered to date.

We are hopeful for a response that will be encouraging to us all andfor the mutual benefit of the developer and residents.

Click Here for the letter to Harbar Contruction

Click Here for the attachment to the Letter